FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter She's A Hazard in a Tavern

“To?” She prompted.

“To…Have…a taste of her.”

The most appropriate explanation I could contrive. He grimaced slightly.

“He wanted intimacy with me?” She asked astounded.

“The joining. Like you and I do, of a sort, yes.”

Bad comparison. He sighed.

“This is why I didn’t want to bring you here.” It came out more gruffly then he’d intended.

“You make that sound very insulting.”

He sighed and his face softened. “I meant no insult Riaura. But sometimes it’s aggravating. Because you’re naïve, you thought it’d be fun to see a tavern. You didn’t realize the dangers it could have for you. If I’d not come, you’d have come alone anyway, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes.” She sheepishly admitted.

“As I thought.” He grunted disapprovingly. Giving her a pointed look.

Hearing the knock at the door he let the buxom barmaid in.

She carried in two steaming buckets and two men behind her heaved a large wooden tub into the room. Once the woman dumped her buckets in, she turned to leave.

Alazar remained leaning against the door so he could ensure no one else came in. The woman pressed her chest against him and murmured as she exited.

“What was that?” Riaura flushed with indignance.

“What?” Alazar looked at her. Unsure how to answer her question.

“I saw how she touched you and I know she whispered. What did she whisper?”

“Nothing appropriate.”

“Of that, I’m sure! What was it?”

“An offer.”

“With me standing right here?”

“She didn’t know what you are to me.” He defended. “It’s what her kind do. They make offers for coin.”

“So, she thought you handsome enough to join with?”

Too much talk of joining. Not enough of the actual act. He frowned. Mouth moving but no words came out. He gave a helpless gesture before stating on an exhale. “I don’t think looks mean much to a woman such as she.”

“She sells her joining?” Riaura’s voice was contemptuous.

Alazar gave a half-nod.

“I don’t like her!”

“Neither do I. Can we let this strange subject die?” He pleaded in a tone perilously close to a whine.

“Fine.” She gave him her back and faced the long window. Staring down at the frosted trees outside. And the tops of other roofs in the village.

But when the woman returned with more hot water, Riaura watched her raptly. Teeth gritted.

She looks ready to pounce on the poor barmaid. Once the woman left, Alazar bolted the door again.

“I didn’t get to try my ale.” Riaura complained sullenly.

Groaning, Alazar opened the door and yelled for ale and mugs.

“What ye got in there?” One man yelled from the lower level. “Ye seducing a wench or a fine lady? Were tha' my wench I’d tell her ’nuff ale! Time to-”

Alazar grasped the items from the tavern boy and slammed the door before the man could finish his sentence.

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