FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter She's a Fast Learner

The next few days Acharius appeared in the gardens where Chastain waited for him. Escorting her from the wooden walls, they strolled the woods together. She was eager to get to the rise where she could kneel down and practice her newfound gift.

With all the joy of a child on holiday. He’d been escorting her up and scouting the perimeter to ensure no one would oversee what she did.

“You’re very wise for a Viking.” She blurted today.

Did she think we were fools? He gave her a quizzical look.

“The way you describe them, they seem…uneducated. Not like us…You, me, Mags and Aggie.”

He chuckled, jerking to a stop. “Who exactly do you think taught those girls?”

“Margaret and Agatha are hardly girls.” Understanding dawned. “You taught them about history? About Ardae and the UpperLands?”

He lifted a flat blonde brow.

“So everything I’ve learned…Has come from you?”

He frowned. “I guess so…”

“Why did you call Mags and Agatha girls?” She queried with a skeptical look.

Because I knew them when they were.

“Hard to explain. I guess that’s just how I see them.”

Chastain looked utterly confused.

I know. How do you explain immortality to someone whose never experienced it? He turned and began walking. Taking extended strides on his long legs and forgetting to wait for her.

Catching up to him she caught his big hand between hers. Walking with it before her.

Softened by the warm gesture he slowed and gave her a fond look. “Chastain, I don’t ever wish to endanger you. You must understand that I have to be careful. There are things that hunt me that could-”

“No!” She caught the sleeve of his shirt so abruptly they both heard fabric tear. “Don’t you dare take this from me! I’ve not felt so much joy ever, as I do when you walk through that gate.”

He reared back. “That’s quite a thing to say.”

“I mean it!”

Frowning he paused walking to give her an assessing study. “I believe you do.”

“Then you won’t stop coming to see me?”

“No. If you wish me to be here, then I shall be.” He said hesitantly.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have said that.

Acharius told her he wished to teach her something this afternoon.

“What do you wish to teach me?” She asked excited.

Nope. Not telling you yet.

“It’s to be a surprise.

She looked up at him from lowered lids.

“Why do you look at me such?” He queried.

“Like what?”


“Like you fear what I’d show you?”

“Should I?”


She lifted her chin and set her face. “Then I won’t.”

But you do. He gave a satisfied nod and led her through the trees.

Weaving next to her, he watched rays of sunlight peer through branches. Burnishing her hair blinding shades of copper and gold. Mesmerizing him with vivid color. Perfectly highlighting the green of her simple fabric dress. And brown underdress.

Drab as they may be they seem overwhelming colorful to me. He savored the sight of them. Knowing that when he returned to his caves without her tonight. It’ll all be white and gray again.

Without consciously thinking, he avoided loose twigs and bark entangled in the moss. Stepping only where his boot would prove soundless.

“Do you see this?” He pointed at his feet. “How I’m silent by stepping with my heel first and avoiding these loud pieces.” He crouched to lift a tiny twig as an example.

Pinching the short beard at his chin thoughtfully, he looked up at her. “Do you think you could do it?”

Eyes huge she nodded. Lifting her skirt enough to display perfect white ankles she took a careful step, heel first as he’d said.

Fast learner.

“Where are we going?” She glanced back at him as she took another long step.

It was nearly comical how careful she was. Biting her lip, skirts hiked to take long ridiculous steps over twigs and leaves. Pointing her toe skyward before carefully flattening it.

He gnawed his cheek to keep from laughing. “I wish to show you something.”

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