FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter SAVAGE JAXSON - An Unauthorized Touch

Blue Lark, Dread Hideout


“It’s been a busy night.” Adrea commented. Wiping the counter with a rag. “You’ve been back here all night. Your feet and back have to be aching.” She nodded toward Dimurah.

“It means good coin to exchange for ale, wine and meat to keep us going.” Dimurah responded. Sliding a gruff looking man a brimming tankard.

“Joe’s well into his cups again.” Adrea tossed her dark head toward him leaning against the wall near the counter.

Joe was Dimurah’s hired man. He was young. Barely older than her. A brawny lad that carried in casks of ale and dealt with issues arising in the alehouse.

Adrea was right. He was clearly intoxicated. His steps an awkward stumble.

“I don’t appreciate when he does that.”

“I know.” Adrea was tight lipped. “He’s coming back here for another refill.”

Joe was. He slapped the corner of the counter in rapid concession. Sliding around it. “Dimurah! Joe wants ’nother dram.” He held his cup aloft with a toothy grin.

“You’ve had quite enough.” She pushed his shoulder to move him from her path.

“Dimurah! I work fer me coin and I want a drink tonight!”

“Joe, you’re supposed to be helping clean up later.” She tossed over her shoulder as she squeezed around him. “You’re already not in much state for it. How bouts you start drinking some water?”

“Dimurah!” He grabbed her upper arm. “Hows bout ye serve me like ye do these others!” He pleaded humorously.

“These others aren’t supposed to be working for me tonight!” She jerked her arm loose and rounded the counter in the direction of a table she served.

“But Dimurah,” He objected. Laughingly, swatting her rear. “I far more fun than they be!”

There were a few gasps and a hush fell through Winter Haven.

“What’ve you done, Joe?” Adrea whispered fearfully.

Dimurah grimaced but continued serving as though nothing had happened. Peering from under lowered lids.

“Don’t worry, Dimurah.” Joe whispered. “He didn’t see. He’s not here.” He gestured. “He’s out in Undermarket.”

“Fool!” Another man said. “He knows everything that happens here!”

“Joe!” Belline stared at him wide-eyed. Voice disbelieving.

“Drinks!” Dimurah lifted her tankard and five men at the counter echoed her cheer. Lifting theirs in return.

Dimurah and Belline were soon answering raucous cheers for more guzzling.

The fearful moment forgotten.

“Joe!” His bark cut the evening air like a knife. Bringing everyone to a stop.

Where is he?

Joe froze where he stood. Staring at the wooden floor.

There you are.

He thinks if he doesn’t move, I won’t spot him. Savage noted boredly. Having seen it many times before.

“Savage Jack.” Dimurah greeted. Rounding the counter to greet him.

Don’t bother.

“Do not.” He lifted a staying finger.

“Savage Jack…” She persisted. Weaving through the others to reach him. Putting a hand to his chest. “Savage Jack. Please…” She leaned into him, trying to break his gaze, but his focus was over her head. Fixated on the man near the counter. “Don’t.” She pleaded.

But Savage’s gaze had locked on his target.

“He’s my friend.” She begged. “He works for me. Don’t…”

I know what he is.


Young Joe turned apprehensively to face the inevitable consequence imposingly glaring at him.

“Outside!” Savage commanded.


“Don’t kill him.” Dimurah implored. Clinging to Savage’s tunic.

Blue eyes flicked to hers. Giving her a steady stare. You know better…

“Don’t…” She whimpered.

Joe walked past Savage and out the door with all the despondency of a man preparing for the noose.

Savage rotated on his heel and followed him out.

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