FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter In the Bull's Eye Tavern

“Positively delightful!” Riaura giggled as she leapt on Alazar’s back. Clutching his neck as they passed others walking by who eyed them like foolish children.

“They’re likely wondering at your silliness.” He grumbled.

And mine.

“Let them wonder.” She grinned unabashedly. Before tucking her face into the back of his neck and drawing a deep breath.

“You just smelled me?”

“Yes. You smell like trees and mud. I love it.” She laughed unashamed. “You smell me all the time!”

“Touché.” He felt his cheeks flush slightly, thinking he’d been more discreet.

Guess not.

Once in the Bull’s Eye, they were offered drinks. It’s even dirtier then I remembered. Or at least it seems that way with her next to me. He noticed the wooden walls were splashed with sticky with splashed drink.

Riaura looked to him excitedly.

I don’t possess half that enthusiasm. He thought dryly. Half-heartedly smiling at her, he requested dual ales.

The tankards were brought and Riaura stared at the strange amber liquid.

I know. Unappetizing, isn’t it?

“This isn’t wine.”

Course not. Do you wish to go home? He hoped. Watching around them guardedly.

“Wine is not what one generally drinks in an alehouse. Usually much more foul liquids.” He cautioned.

Nothing fit for a princess.

Her eyes fell hesitantly from his solemn face to her drink where she circled the rim of her mug with a delicate fingertip. Change your mind. Change your mind!

It’s not safe for you here. Alazar stretched across the table to be nearer her. His hands gripping the edge near her ribs despite hoping she’d be uncomfortable enough to wish to leave he felt the need to touch her. Offer some comfort to appease her nervousness. “What is it?”

“Would you pretend with me tonight?” She looked at him through lowered lids. Big green eyes imploring.

Oh, no. Going nowhere good…

“Pretend what?”

“That I’m a normal girl. Some companion you met in the woods that you wished to seduce. Some woman there was a chance of a future with?”

Her words were like a punch to the face. “You want me to pretend you’re a possible lifemate?” He reared back. Blinking slowly at her.

“I-I g-guess. Why do you call it that?”


“Lifemate?” She queried.

“I know not what else to call it.” He shrugged. “It’s someone who’s your mate for life…Or one would hope.” He blew a breath. “Most women and I have not been the case.”


He shrugged. Never the right time or place, I suppose.

“Are you mean to them?” She blurted.

It’s likely I have been.

“Sometimes. When it’s time for them to go.” He said blandly.

“After you’ve had them?”

Had them!

He shuffled in his seat and straightened. “When did this conversation take such an awkward turn?”

“How many have you had?”

Why would that matter?

Why are we discussing this?

“Lifemates?” He asked innocently, knowing well that wasn’t the questions she asked.


“As companions?”

“As lovers.” She scowled at him. “Stop evading Alazareth.”

Stop asking questions I don’t want to answer!

“I’m not.” He muttered.

She huffed. “Just answer.”

“More than I needed, I suppose.”

Definitely too many angry women littering my past.

“Ha!” She declared. Pointing a finger. “I knew it! I knew you were a tramp!” She leaned forward intently. “So, show me.”

“Show you what?” He was becoming shrill. Clearing his throat to reinstate his composure, he lightly swatted her finger to pin it to the tabletop. Removing it from his face.

“How you seduced them?”

He sighed. “It’s different with every woman. You give her what she wants. And…” He cleared his throat uncomfortably this time. “In return she gives you what you want.”

“What does she want?” Riaura was leaned so far across the table she was nearly nose to nose with him. Seeming unaware it left ample view of her woman’s curves spilling over her simple lace tunic.

It depends…I don’t know!

Her beautiful breasts are about to come tumbling out of that shirt.

He shook his head. “Hell, if I know. All I can think about this moment is what I want.”

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