FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Her First Look at Sebastian

Bast chuckled. The sound filling Chastain’s senses like someone wrapping her in a warm blanket. She swayed dizzily.

Acharius heard her thoughts. Amusement waning when he saw her hungrily lick her lips as she openly stared at Bast.


Bast opted to release her hand and drop into a bow.

Good choice.

Opening her mouth to respond resulted in a few awkward squeaks. She stood jaw agape.

Acharius reached to lightly push it closed for her. Gently cradling her jaw as he turned her face toward him. Focus on me.

Damn Bast.

Her eyes reluctantly ripping from the stranger as her face eased away.

“Chastain.” Acharius said laughingly as he stepped into her purview. “Come back to me.”

She blinked rapidly and shook her head. “I’ve no idea what possessed me!”

I do. Bast’s bloody damn animal magnetism.

“I do.” Acharius grumbled. “He has that effect on everyone. Especially women. Even animals rush to his touch. Don’t feel bad, Sweet.”

Still in shock she struggled not to look at the stranger again. Swallowing hard as she heard the stranger’s amused laugh.

“It’s true. I am irresistible.”

Not to me!

Acharius scoffed at the confident statement. “Except to us. We find him a nuisance.”

Their longtime friendship obvious.

“I envy you two.” She murmured. “I haven’t had someone to laugh with so freely in much time.”

You’ve had me. Both sets of brows shot up. Acharius’ look turned knowing.

“I did have a friend like that, in truth.” She amended. Staring at him meaningfully. “But now we have a complex relationship.”

“Is it a relationship?” Acharius leapt at the opportunity to ask despite knowing that he’d soon have to distance himself now that Chavias had spotted him. He was unable to resist knowing.

I may not have another chance to find out.

“Of some form.” She answered hesitantly.

Of what form?

“Please do continue to talk as though I cannot interpret this secret language.” Bast said, quite amused.

“Acharius was always there for me.” She explained.

Was? Acharius gave her a quick nod before averting his attention back to Bast. We’ll talk more on this before I take you back to Meredith House.

The conversation changed to Chavias. Their voices dropped.

“What are you two saying? I can’t hear you.” Chastain asked. Edging closer.

Exactly the purpose of whispering. He gave her a sideways glance.

“What flew away?” She persisted.

They crossed their arms over their chests as they faced her. Blatantly calling her on her efforts to eavesdrop.

“Is that so?” She quirked a brow as she returned the pose.

Yes. Knowing more will only endanger you. Acharius lifted a blonde brow at her challenging pose.

When neither of them budged she pressed on. “What’s wrong? Why would this man want to hurt you, Acharius?”

Is she worried for me?

That’d be sweet. No one has worried for me in centuries. It warmed him to think she might care enough to be concerned for his wellbeing.

When no one answered, she finally surrendered with a toss of her arms. Wandering further into the woods while they resumed murmuring behind her. Her gaze flicked to something moving the underbrush. Black skinned with a long flicking tail. It danced warily from the rays of sunshine creeping to the forest floor. Peering from under a heavy leaf with orange eyes, woven in red.

As she leaned over to peer at it, it lunged out hissing at her.

Even a her scream started, a massive cloud descended from above in a blink. Cracking off branches overhead and tossing leaves in a swirling typhoon.

So fast she had to throw up her arms to shield her face. Unsure what happened. It was the same sparkling white creature that’d launched from the treetops earlier. The force of the gale from its immense wings knocked her back. She stumbled and fell. By the time she blinked her eyes open, there was only the distant white shape of something carrying the small black creature across a cloudless sky. She squinted.

“What…?” Acharius rushed into the clearing with her and looked from her to the sky. “What happened?”

Chastain turned a frozen expression to him. Horrified shock written over her face as her head turned like mounted on a spike.

“Chavias.” Bast was close on his heels. Skidding to a stop on loose leaves.

What’d he do to her? Acharius dropped next to her. Inspecting her face and shoulders for injury.

“I-I…Don’t know.” Her fingers clutched at the tiny white flowers twining the mossy forest floor.

“Did he come after you?” Acharius demanded.

It’s unlikely he’d have missed. He knew.

“There was a creature. A-a black thing.” She pointed to under the leaf where it’d been. “It-the” Her pointed finger lifted to the sky. “carried it off…” She finished weakly.

Acharius strode over to lift the leaf with a finger and inspect the imprint in the soft dirt. He glanced sideways and found Bast at his side.

He took a Noni? They exchanged a quizzical look.

Acharius looked back at her.

To save her?

Or so she wouldn’t harm it?

Or so I wouldn’t when she shrieked? He was awash with confusion. His head beginning to pound.

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