FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Garix Brought Me a Key to a Cage

“Garix.” Savage looked over his shoulder in greeting.

Garix made his way through the crowd.

“Meet me in my tent later and we can talk of it more.” Savage told her under his breath.

She gave him a wary look. Blue eyes cautious.

It’s not a question, Murah.

“Or we can meet in your hut.” He shrugged. “After I get past your men.”

“Or not at all.” She countered waspishly.

“Good luck in that endeavor.”

“You’re abhorrent!”

“That’s not what you say when no one is looking.” He gave her a long look. Forcing her to evade his gaze.

It’s true. There was much history between he and Dimurah.

“The choice is yours.” He finished as Garix drew close enough for them to lock hands in a firm shake.

“I’ve finally acquired that item you’ve yearned for!”

Savage’s head snapped and he became alert. “From the lair?”

Garix nodded slowly. Brows lifted in a triumphant grin.

“Well done!” Savage slapped his shoulder. “Come. Let’s have a tankard!”

Garix nodded.

Savage persuaded Belline to fill them a couple drinks which he took to the table in the corner. The one reserved for business.

Or me, when I’m home.

They took their seat.

Garix prolonged the suspense as he pulled the fresh forged key from his pocket.

“How did you get it?” Savage asked reverently.

“I asked for it.”

Savage’s blue eyes went huge and Garix erupted in laughter.

“I stole it.” He admitted.

Savage gave him a dead-eyed look.

“It was vaguely amusing.” Garix said, sobering.

“Your forgetting how to speak.”

“Ah, ye’re righ’.” Garix said. Glancing around. “I forge’ wit’ ye since ye spen’ so many days teachin’ me righ’.”

“You’ve done admirably. But it’s not safe for them to hear it in here. They’ll think you a fine lord.”

“Someday per’aps I shall be.”

“You could work your way as a trader.” Savage suggested.

Though unlikely. It wasn’t unheard of.

And Garix certainly possesses the mettle.

“Me daugh’er woul’ certain be set then.” He sighed. Reverting to the subject of the key. “I stole it, of course. I though’ tha’ bes’ so’s Radix wouldna know ‘twas missin’.”

“Good decision. And it is to the right cell?”

“Definitely. I’ve saw Radix and Okine use it many a time.”

Savage nodded slowly as Garix handed it over. Setting it carefully in Savage’s rough palm. Wrapping his fingers around it, Savage slid it from the table. His other hand snatched Garix by the collar and nearly pulled him across the wooden table. “You wouldn’t betray me, would you?”

“No.” Garix chuckled. Unsurprised by the sudden aggression.

Unsurprised when its from me, I suppose…

“Tho’ ye are a man to be feared, tha’s no’ why. I wouldna because ye’ve been me mentor and I care fer ye, because ye know where me daugh’er is, and because I’ve no reason ta.”

Bobbing his head slowly Savage released his shirt and let Garix slide back to the bench while he lovingly fondled the key.

“Wha’ is it abou’ tha’ man tha’ means so much ta ye?”

“He raised me.”

Garix’s brows shot up. “I suppo’ tha’ explains a lot!”

“Should.” Savage nodded grudgingly. Mesmerized by his little treasure.

Now, to find Chavias.

I’ll have to lure him out again.

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