FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter DERAGAN - Fey & Wolves

Rosewynn Manor, Meadowbrook, Grier Country (Nora living in Rosewynn for a year)


Sleeping fitfully Nora flopped onto her stomach before rolling to her back.

Worthington was after her. She was running inhumanly fast but couldn’t escape him.

Gripping her arm, he jerked her off her feet. Despite her struggling, she couldn’t free herself from his biting grip. His face distorted and he became older. Eyes lighting red-orange and hair graying, his face became rough and wrinkled. A beard formed on his jaw. Growing over his indented belly.

His hands turned brutal. This man more terrifying than Worthington was.

She shuddered as a triumphant smile twisted his features to expose pointed yellow teeth. “You’ll help me take this entire plane.” He urged in a hissing breath which smelled vile.

She twisted her face away as he moved toward her.

He responded by drawing her closer. “Fallen One, be queen to my Cimmerii. Join us and we shall fight the evil that brought you to this horrible world.”

“You lie!”

“Do you know how dangerous I am?” He snapped. Rasping along her face. Offering her his arm, his face eased in a partial smile. To her horror, she involuntarily took it. Despite all her efforts she couldn’t pull away. Mouth dry she struggled to swallow.

“You’re my enemy.” She searched the room for someone. A face she could not describe. “But-but there is someone I trust. He’ll keep me safe.” Her chin rose, and she rang her skirts to control her anxiety.

“Do you? Then where is he now?” His voice was lulling her. Guiding her across the Ballroom floor.

Staring into the haggard face she felt death emanating from him like acrid breath.

“I’m going to be sick.” She concentrated on controlling her stomach.

“I’d give you anything you asked.” He caught her attention. “You’d be completely free.”

“You’re lying to me!”

“If you want money, beautiful things, I could give you everything. We were designed for each other. I’m your soul-mate.” He sounded sincere.

And those words were familiar.

The old man no longer looked sickly and frail. The outline of his face molded into someone else’s. Like the stranger in the woods…Except the eyes were wrong. Beady and black. They weren’t the blue ones she remembered. As she assessed them, they frosted from the outside in, turning blue.

“You’re trying to trick me!”

“Then why are you so comfortable with me?”

He was right. Her body eased, and his grip no longer hurt.

“Are you certain you don’t know me?” He pressed.

The midnight blue of his eyes drew her in. Unable to look away, she found her body still wouldn’t obey.

Then a startling noise shattered the haze.

Howling. The desperate cry sounding over and over again.

Wake up, Nora! Don’t listen to him.

He’s trying to infiltrate your dreams. To darken your heart from within.

Shaking her head, Nora’s focus moved to the sound. The image of the stranger fell away. Leaving him withered and gray with beady black eyes. Jerking from his grip made her collide with the floor. She’d rolled from her bed into reality.

Awake. Safe.

Waking fully, she briskly rubbed her stinging shoulder. Sitting up. Heart thrumming and hands shaking. She pushed her hair from her sickeningly damp forehead. Jerking when she heard the whining cry of the wolf again.

I’m here. Listen to me. I can help you. Follow my voice when you’re scared. He called to her with another howl. Luring her. He stood with the tall grass sweeping his shoulders in the evening wind. His black and gray shoulders fluffed to ward away the chill.

Gaze averting to the window, she shivered.

Opening the shutters, the merest crack, made the sound as loud as if it blasted from right next to her. The predator’s call effectively silenced all other animals. Her breaths calmed, gaze dropping to the green black of the lawn below but seeing nothing.

She can’t see me in all this tall grass.

Probably for the better. I need to not scare her away. But his urgency had bordered on panic when he heard her racing heartbeat caught the scent of her fearful hormones wafting down to him. Fearing Radix had gotten to her until he focused on the deep sounds of her quick breaths and realized she slept. Fitfully.

All was quiet, but trees swayed gently.

Over the treetops, Nora glimpsed a gray slate clearing. Shining like onyx in the meager light. A cave divided the rock like a gaping mouth.The silver moon shone soothingly down on it. A small crescent. It was non-threatening tonight.

Movement caught her eye. A blooming light drew her attention to the trees bordering the overgrown lawn. Then another lit a short distance away. And another…Until the trees filled with colorful, floating orbs.

The glow of the fey’s neon hearts. Sensing her at her window. He smiled in a toothy grin. They’re welcoming you home, Sweetheart. Goosebumps poured over his skin at the strange sight.

They danced from the forest

Excited to see her.

Shaking her head, she blinked hard and found them gone.

Nothing but darkness. No ominous howling. No flickering lights.

Rest, Nora. I will watch from down here. I’ll guard you.

Rubbing her forehead, she finally turned from the window and went back to bed.

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