FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter Bast Confronts Me

“Chavias.” Sebastian stated. Gold eyes turning blue-green with whatever emotion he experienced. Tone cold. “You spy on us now?”

“I have to.” Chavias said dully. Feeling the air seep out of him.

“Nothing you do, you have to do.” Bast’s mask slipped, revealing anger.

Hatred. Just for a moment.

“I do have to.” Chavias forced himself not to flinch under that penetrating look.

To protect you.

“You know nothing anymore.” Chavias growled. Summoning strength to hide his weakness. His back was rigid. “If you were in my place, I wonder if you could still stand so tall?” Chavias said. Own rage blatant.

“I could never have done what you have.” Bast’s voice turned scathing.

Chavias couldn’t define his expression. Pain? Disappointment maybe.

Bast shook his head at Chavias and gestured for him to go. “Leave these woods and don’t come back.”

Dismiss me? In all these years, that’s all you have to say to me? ‘Leave?’

“And miss seeing old friends?” Chavias grinned hollowly in response to Bast’s veiled threat. Reaching to pull shining black hair obscenely tight in the leather thong. Cinching it and letting his arms fall. The armor rolled up over his biceps to cover his shoulders as though readying for a fight.

Fight me, Sebastian.

When Sebastian remained unmoved, Chavias’ jaw hardened. “I suggest you kill me Sebastian. Your mercy knows great bounds. However, if you don’t, I will return. And when I do…Someone will die…” He was unflinching. Drawing close enough to reach, he challenged his former friend.

Show me your hatred so I don’t have to hope anything could change. That I could ever be redeemed.

“I won’t kill you, Chavias. If you yearn for that, you must do it yourself.” Sebastian’s derision obvious as he turned his head away.

You know I cannot.

“Why do you turn from me Sebastian?” Chavias’ tone was brittle. “Does it cost you too much to look on your former friend?”

“It costs me too much to look on a former brother.”

Ouch. Chavias grimaced and willed Bast to stop talking. That hurt more than I expected.

“One who made me vow not to free him. A vow I still keep.” Bitterness burned through his tone.

“A vow you should always keep.” Chavias shouldered past him.

Sebastian spun to look after him. Great emotion written over his face. “What has he done to you? The man I called friend could never serve him as you have!”

Killing Forever Knights, you mean.

You’ve no idea.

Chavias paused. Unmoving. “Perhaps the man you knew died long ago.” He walked from Acharius’ corner of Merwood.

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