FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter ACHARIUS - Karina In My Caves

Merwood, Dread Hideout


Acharius knew it’d be many long hours to complete his sleep cycle. And I’m in dire need of some rest. Gambling that Chavias wouldn’t return so soon after an encounter with Sebastian. Fortunately he hasn’t.

His mind was plagued. As long as Chavias is alive than any moment could prove my last.

Despite all his great skill as an archer, Acharius knew he was well outmatched by the warlord. Chavias is relentless.

Acharius was well aware he could stack arrows in Chavias’ chest and not deter him from whatever his mission was. I’ve seen it before.

When I tried to save Dearburn. The memory was painful.

It was no wonder that with those thoughts haunting Acharius as he prepared to sleep, that his dreams should prove as daunting. He recalled Dearburn’s murder as vividly as if it all happened last night. The first time Chavias had ever betrayed me.

The image evoked such emotion that Acharius was thrust from the nightmare. Breaths heaving. Hearing a rock scuttle his eyes flashed to the entrance to his chamber and found Karina standing there.

“What are you doing here?” He roared.

“There was-you were.”

“I was what?”

“You were sweating red pieces.” She gasped.

Scales. My scales were trying to emerge. He groaned.

“Just leave, Karina. You’ve no place here. I built you a cottage.”

“But I came because I saw you with her. You were teaching her-showing her how.”

“How to what, Karina?”

“How to shoot a bow. I begged you-”

“Get out Karina!” He roared. Perhaps more harshly then he’d intended.

Whimpering she dropped her face to her hands and fled the cave.

“Wait!” Acharius stepped after her with an outstretched hand. Recognizing his cruelty.

His breaths still heaved from the nightmare. I took all that rage out on Karina. It’s not her fault. He was instantly remorseful.

But that look on her face when he woke had disturbed him. Her eyes had seemed uncommonly black but lit with an orange glow.

What was she looking at? It was a foolish question. He glanced down and saw the hard red bits of skin he’d shed in his stress. He swept them into his hand to remove them from the cave. They tend to rot quickly.

Rubbing his forehead in frustration he took them outside and into the blessed light. Letting it cleanse away bleak memories.

Will he kill me just as easily? Dispassionately?

He didn’t wonder long. Chavias was never one for sentiment. Acharius moved restlessly through Merwood. Still reeling from the news that Chavias hunted him.

He intends to kill me. The betrayal tied Acharius’ stomach in knots. We were close once.

Not like Bast and he were. But close, nonetheless.

He made his way to the garden to check on Chastain. Knowing she’d been waiting for him. But it’s too dangerous to go see her. If I put Chavias in a position where he has to kill her to get to me, he will.

A small voice in his head asked if that was really true. Acharius reminded himself Chavias was ice cold now. Bloodthirsty in the service of Radix. God only knows what the old devil did to him.

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