FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter ACHARIUS - Cease Thinking of Her

Merwood, Dread Hideout (Free from Udora eleven years)


Chastain tugged the simple brown dress over her head, letting it drop around her in sloping folds. Sliding her feet into slippers resting under the edge of the cot, she stepped to the window. Letting the early morning sunshine seep in around the shutters to bathe her in its light. Tugging them open revealed an onslaught of wildflowers pouring into her chamber. Cleverly stacked against the shutters to do just this. A colorful array spilling around her feet. Leaning down she scooped up an armful to inhale deeply. Giving a soft giggle.

Acharius watched her window open from atop the hill, gazing over the fence to see her. Watching her face brightening as she leaned over to sweep up an armful of the spring bundle.

“They smell wonderful.” She whispered into the garden below.

Thinking I’m down there.

Good. Acharius smiled. Coming down the hill, leather pants creaking as he aimed for the first corner of the fence. Set on checking around it in his usual patrol path.

She caught up to him there, stepping into the dirt trail trimming the Merwood.

Lost in thought, he hadn’t heard her.

When she caught his shoulder he spun, pulling his bow around his hip with one hand and reaching for an arrow with the other. Nocking it smoothly as he faced her. Light eyes shining bright blue from under the hood of his blue cloak.

“Acharius!” She cried, stilling him. Hands lifted in surrender

What were you thinking, girl? Sneaking up on me?

“Startling me is ill-planned, Chastain.”

She eyed the point of the arrow. “I quite see that now.” Panting from her hurry she held the flowers aloft. “I only came to ask why you leave beautiful things but no word of good morning?” She eyed the arrow levelled at her chest.

I did. Blowing a heavy breath, he lowered the bow and hung it back over his shoulder as he eased. It was me saying good morning.

“I thought it good morning, in itself.”

“You did?”

“I wished to show you,” He gestured to the flowers weakly. Looking at her through blue embers. “what the morning held.”

Shocking them both, she closed the gap and reached to caress his face.

He blinked rapidly in surprise. What’s that for?

Chewing her lip she turned to go but he caught her wrist. “Don’t go like that.”

Startling her. She whooshed in a quick breath. “Like what?” She blinked huge eyes.

At all.

“At least, tell me your favorite flower, so next time I might find it for you.” His jaw ticked.

She squirmed under the intensity of his stare. Looking away.

Yes, I’m quite sure. He read her thoughts.


“Maybells it is.” He said decisively, envisioning the delicate bluish flowers.

“How did you know that?”

You thought it.

“You told me.”

“I did not!” She gasped. “You’ve done that afore!” She accused.

Not for a long while.

“What?” He asked innocently releasing her.

“Read my mind.”

“Do you believe in such fancy?” He clucked his tongue. As he turned on the trail.

“There’s much I wouldn’t have thought existed before meeting you.” She skipped after him.

“Do you poke around my mind, to learn me?”


He hesitated. “Perhaps. If such things were possible…”

“Why not simply ask me the things you want to know?” She asked.

Because I don’t want to get close to you.

I did.”

“This time. But how many times have you probed around in my head instead?” She queried. Face tight.

Not lately… He thought, ashamed.

“Perhaps on occasion.”

“Ask instead. Vow it.”

No. Not a vow I could guarantee to keep. He gnawed a cheek, rounding to give her a discontented study.

“Vow it.” She ordered.


“Such a demanding Little Wraith.” Seeing she was unmoving, he gave ground. Stepping closer to her he cupped her jaw and trailed a calloused thumb over her cheek. “Fine. Then give me the chance to learn you fairly, Dove.”

“You’d wish to?” Her green eyes rounded.

Yes. Perhaps then I could cease thinking of you endlessly!

He nodded. “For you I’d fill a meadow with Maybells.”

And with you near me I could see their color…

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