FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter A Sweet Offer

Radix slapped a withered hand to the table. “I want you to come to me.”

That’s sweet.

I want you to rot. Somewhere uncomfortable. Where vermin can feast on your withered flesh.

Mardichi roared with laughter. “That’d never happen.”

“I’m certain you believed your wife would never kill your son as well.”

Mardichi lurched forward and slammed his fist into the old man’s chest so hard it pushed him through the bench.

Radix leapt to his feet remarkably fast.

“Quick for an old wench, aren’t ye?”

Radix reached out and slammed a palm to Mardichi’s chest. Letting evil, ash, and dark power course through him and move into Mardichi.

Mardichi closed his eyes and relaxed, soaking it in. A nice recharge.

Radix turned his head to look at him in confusion. “You’re absorbing it. Not fighting it?”

I don’t give two shits where magic comes from. I’ll use it the same either way. Mardichi lurched forward and stood on wobbly legs. Grabbing Radix by the throat. Taking several steps with him. “Thank ye. I believe that helped sober me.”

Radix gripped his wrists and instinctively flailed bony legs. When he touched Mardichi, the skin on Mardichi’s chorded forearms turned black and began to flake off, but the barbarian was heedless. “What is wrong with you?” Radix rasped through a compressed airway, brow stitching.

What isn’t?

“Yer not going ta hurt me, Old Man. The only piece of me tha’ cared about pain died with me child. So, if ye were privy to that then ye are part of the reason yer magic has no effect on me.” He gave him a meaningful look. Cocking his head. “Now I’m going to rip ye limbs off and drop you in a deep cavern so ye can wiggle bout by yer teeth.” Mardichi aimed for the door. Clutching the man by the throat, grip tightening inch by inch.

Radix’s tiny black eyes bulged.

I could probably crush him before I find somewhere deep enough. The thought warmed his heart.

People were already shrieking and toppling tables as they lurched away from the two. But more yells echoed as people jumped off the ground, when the tavern flooded with Nonis. Tearing at Mardichi’s legs. Biting away chunks of tissue and muscle. One bit through his boot and the next bit into the tendon above his heel. Making him collapse.

Mardichi still clutched Radix’s throat as Nonis sunk teeth into his arms rending away bits of flesh. Eventually his tendons and muscles were too loosened to maintain his grip on the demon.

The withered skeleton thunked to the floor before clambering to his feet. Gray robes sliding back into place. He smoothed his long white beard down his belly.

Shame. Mardichi had thought he’d get further. But it matters naught either way.

Radix looked down at him. “I had such high hopes for you…” He frowned. “Now it shall be you crawling by your teeth.” He turned and walked away. The hole in his chest filling and the tattered cloak moving around him as though with a volition of its own. Concealing the wound until it closed.

Mardichi let go of all his unspent emotion. Relaxing as the demonic creatures bit into him. Spilling over with eagerness to get a bite out of me.

A feral cry tore into the Netherlands. Announcing the coming of another beast.

Oh bloody hell.

I didn’t summon you, feline. I made careful point to not think of you. Mardichi unleashed a tirade of profanity.

The feline roar was echoed by a more distant one.

Both you bloody whelps?

“Ah, Hell.” Mardichi grumbled. Blinking blearily. “I did not call for ye!”

“I’m here, nonetheless.” Bast wove into the tavern. Pushing through people flooding out in terror. Blonde head towering above shrieking villagers.

Damn you.

How’d you know?

“I’m fine with dying.” He grumbled sourly.

“But I’m not fine with it.” Once the people were out of the way Bast had a full view of the stack of Nonis eating Mardichi alive. The floor covered in malicious black rodents.

’Tis none of your affair! Let them feast.

“A fine fix you’re into this time.” Bast complained. “I’m not even sure how to clean up this mess.”

Good. Then leave me be.

“Take yer time.” Mardichi murmured before going utterly limp.

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