FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Wanting Nothing More Than to Get From This Creature

Chavias had never been so grateful to enter Meadowbrook, Grier. A highly populated town which he generally avoided. Not today.

He could not wait to be rid of the bony woman.

Thadeus comfortably perched on his shoulder. Sitting backward on his shoulder.

Watching my back thankfully. Since this sickly skeleton in-front of me has my attention.

He waited until late evening to walk her into town. Which required sitting across a tiny clearing in Phalanx Forest from her.

Thadeus hopped around to face her too. His head lowered and head bobbing threateningly. Everytime the woman moved he’d give a long hiss.

Precisely, how I feel, Friend.

Good instincts.

Glancing around, Chavias worried. We’re far too close to WaterRose.

He sat dead silent. Praying no Forever Knights would stumble on him. A long thin branch in his hand. He kept her in view. Several feet across from him. And every time she lunged to crawl across at him or outstretched a creeping gray arm, he swatted her with the branch to dissuade further efforts.

She now held both her forearms whining. Shooting him betrayed, black-eyed looks.

He stared at her scathingly. A derisive turn to his mouth. Jaw ticking in his efforts to retain patience with this creature he so badly wanted to end.

Nightfall came.


Forcing Thadeus to abandon his shoulder to find a roost for the night.

He apparently doesn’t want to be blind and close to her anymore then I do. Chavias used the branch in the middle of her back to push her out before him, as if she were a prisoner. Guiding her through Meadowbrook to the Worthington House. Assisting her into the tree revealed that not only was her skin deathly gray but when he hoisted her by her waist, he found her skin and muscles strangely mushy.

Revolting. Like touching a bag of putrefied liquid. He gagged a little.

“Touch me more.” She rasped as he lifted her.

“Not in this lifetime. Or the next.” He shoved her a bit roughly. Retracting his hands and instinctively examining them. Finding them unsullied he wiped his palms on his pants to rid the oily feel.

He climbed up the tree behind her. Contorting inhumanely to avoid any contact with the drooling grasping creature.

Truly horrifying. He kicked the glass of Worthington’s window. Rattling it in the wood frame.

Worthington squawked on the other side. Going to it and cracking it.

“Open the damn window!” There was a hint of desperation in his voice as he felt that cold oily touch running along his shoulders where his gray leather armor exposed his flesh.

Stop touching me!

Worthington opened the window and Chavias dived in feet first. Not bothering to help the clumsy lurching creature behind him.

“What is that?” Worthington stared at her terrified.

“You, shortly.”

Worthington shot him a look while he frantically swept off the goo residue her touch left.


“Deliver your message.” Chavias gestured to Worthington.

“This is him?” She scooted sideways, peering at Worthington who looked at her like something that had crawled from under a rock.

Not far off.

“Nay. The King of Grier.” Chavias growled sarcastically.

She gave him a wide-eyed look sensing his barely leashed hostility.

“I’m the Duke of Worthington.” The young man corrected straightening and puffing his chest.

Duke? You’re no Duke. You’re a little shit. That’s all. Chavias’ slate gray eyes zeroed in on him contemptuously.

“Message!” He barked. Scaring both Worthington and the woman.

“You’re to hurt the Fallen girl. Hurt her bad. It’s time.”

What? Chavias’ eyes widened and he, without thought, drew his curved sword and lopped off her head. Right there in Worthington’s bedchamber.

Worthington shrieked. A high womanly sound that made Chavias look at him askance. Seeing Worthington couldn’t control his panicked screeching, Chavias’ attention reverted to the blinking head eeking black goo on Worthington’s fine floor furs.

This is why Radix didn’t expect her to come back.

He knew I’d kill her when she delivered this message. His eyes lifted to Worthington. Knowing the man would now be intent on harming the Fallen.

If he ever stops screeching like a banshee. It was making Chavias’ ears twinge.

I can’t kill him. Or I’ll sign the Captain’s death warrant. In utter disgust Chavias climbed from the chamber window.

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