FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Urrides' Comet

Ebony smiled slightly. Eyes brightening at what he now realized had been a sort of compliment.

Sort of. I’d meant it as only fact.

He strategically avoided giving Ebony attention. It’s bad enough Sam tells her stories as if I’m some great hero in shining armor…

“Do you think I will be as pretty as that woman?” Ebony nodded toward the woman who now spoke with Sam.

As she’d told me she would.

But Rhyers’ eyes now locked on the woman entering the parlor. She’s older than everyone else here. Recognizing her light curling hair and brown eyes. One of Radix’s.

“Her too?” Ebony whined.

“Excuse me.” Rhyers rose, slamming his wine glass on the table in-front of them.

“Again!” Ebony objected.

Rhyers was focused on the repugnant smell…Death rot…Cimmerii. His gaze zeroed in on the woman predatorily.

She turned and vanished from the doorway as if leaving.

Did she see me? Rhyers wondered.

“Urrides’ Comet will be here soon!” A man announced.

“Shall we retire to the garden to watch?” Samuel lifted his wine glass, suggesting his guests should as well, before heading out.

Rhyers frantically scanned the Parlor. Leaving to inspect the rest of the house. Peering into every chamber, searching for the woman.

He heard the guests heading outside. Smelled the wine flowing freely. He recalled Chavias’ voice in his nightmare. “Protect her!”

I’m trying.

After checking the last room, Sam’s, Rhyers hurried downstairs. Don’t be outside! The thought was repulsive. Rhyers jogged out the front door which was left open for the throng of people to spill through. He rounded the gardens, gaze landing on Samuel at the forefront of the crowd. Announcing the path of Urrides’ Comet to the onlookers.

Rhyers searched for Ebony’s dark head. But he looked over the crowd twice and couldn’t find her. She didn’t go up to her chamber, I’d have heard her while I checked the rooms.

So, where is she?

He looked again. Not here.

“Sam!” He shouted. Frantically gesturing to alert him.

Sam stopped talking. He climbed atop a garden bench, so everyone viewed him as he lectured the comet’s history.

With a better vantage, Sam scanned the vast lawns.

“Rhyers!” He pointed toward the back of the lawn where Ebony stood with the blonde that’d cameoed in Rhyers’ nightmare.

As people turned to look at Rhyers due to Sam calling out, Rhyers made cutting motions toward the crowd. Keep talking. Keep them distracted so I can kill this woman. He ran to Ebony.

The woman’s hand shot out to Ebony. Fingers elongating and her pupils slitting into cat eyes. Face pinching as she turned into something terrible. Lifting a tapered piece of glass above her head. Ready to plunge it into Ebony.

I’m not going to get there in time! Rhyers realized.

But there was an explosion from the brush next to them. Across the clearing from Rhyers.

There was a feral snarl as something jumped between the Firoque woman and Ebony. Breaking the evil woman’s grip on the dark-haired young woman.

Though it was a black blur, Rhyers knew.

Knew the smell, knew the sound. Bast.

How’d he know? His pace slowed to a long step.

The woman crawled backward.

Ebony reversed and stumbled.

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