FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter She Likes Him, But Not Me

Sebastian didn’t miss the fact that Elsabet’s conversation was directed at his brother. Pointedly evading Bast’s gaze. Unless necessary to maintain discussion.

She partook of the meal as servants laid out dishes.

“How is the meal?” Alazar queried.

“Mouthwatering.” She nodded.

Bast flinched. She’d never have admitted such to me.

“I’d never seen the servants putting out food before. They’re few and far between. Humanity here is a rarity.”

Ouch. He knew what she implied.

“Usually food just appears for me in the library.”

“Why?” Alazareth queried.

“I think he,” She tossed her head toward Bast sitting to her left. “directs them to leave it for me.”

Bast’s lips tightened.

“Do you?” Alazar cast his brother a look. Eyes bright with hope for mischief.

“No. I leave them for her.” He said matter-of-factly. Making her toss him a quick look.

“You do?”

“You take them into the library?” Alazar’s surprise was blatant.

“Whenever I’m here.”

“That’s why there’s only food sometimes?” Shock was written over her face.

Bast sat back to assess her face. “Would you still be sitting next to me if I’d touched you when I sat?”

“You chose to sit by me.” She defended.

“And if I’d touched you?”

“Certainly not. You are incessantly brushing my hand or touching my hair.”

“Because you’re irresistible.” He stated simply. Already considering touching the flowing silver strands.

“I fail to see the relation to you leaving meals and her leaving if you touch her?” Alazar asked in confusion.

“She refuses my touch and anything I touch.”

“Not all the time.” She whispered under her breath. Cheeks flushing slightly but only Bast caught it. Head whipping to give her an assessing study.

“Brother, I’ve never seen you so besotten.” Alazar proclaimed.

“I told you.” Bast’s head spun to him. “She fascinates me. Yet she thinks it a ploy.”

“What?” Alazar laughed outright.

“Why is that funny?” Elsabet frowned.

“He’d not expend the effort.”


“I think deception entirely tiresome. I’d rather cut down the middle of the truth.” Bast’s stare burning into her a moment before he blurted. “I think I know what you’re about, Woman.”

She’s going to charm Alazar to find my weaknesses. The thought eased the frustration that had his teeth grinding. He pushed his trencher away. The intensity in which Elsabet hung on Alazar’s every word making him lose his substantial appetite.

I don’t dare read her thoughts. He feared what he’d find there.

What if she’s intrigued by him?

The answer came instantly. I don’t want to know.

They moved from the meal to the library to drink honey liquor on the fur rug near the fireplace. The three of them crowded warmly. But Bast felt outcast from the conversation. Though he was unconcerned with her attempts to grasp details from his brother. Alazareth would indulge her questions but was far from foolish enough to confide Forever Knights secrets to the little valkyrie.

When Elsabet deepened the conversation to innuendos of their kind, his brother easily deflected. Growing her frustration. The harder she refocused the conversation, the more his brother closed off.

She bit her lip and tightened her fists.

He’s pissing her off. Though amused by her frustration, he was nonetheless bothered by the bond she’d formed with Alazareth.

Something I’ve been unable to get from her. Even after all these years she’ll not confide in me. Every conversation was stilted and cold.

She doesn’t trust me.

She’d never send me those slight smiles she’s been bestowing on him all night. He thought bitterly. Plagued by such thoughts, he rose to head upstairs. Fists clenched.

They watched him leave in silence.

He knew how the night would end for the pair. She’ll shortly escalate from frustrated to furious. Screeching obscenities and threats before stomping from Alazareth.

Calm composed Alazar would show no sign he’d even heard her. He’d walk back to his beloved woods and sit in the shelter he was building next to the Dread’s Brew Wake.

Where he can watch over his independent little minx.

And tonight, will change nothing between Elsabet and I. Save that he’d learned she was able to favor a man.

Just not me…

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