FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Safe Passage to Rosewynn

Rosewynn Manor, Outside Meadowbrook, Grier Country


Undisturbed by the sounds of carriages in the distance, Sebastian watched the shimmering lights of the fey lingering at the edge of the woods. Tiny translucent wings flapping too fast to be seen. The thin white layer of their naked flesh wasn’t dense enough to conceal the colors of their neon hearts.

Every new emotion they experienced changed the glow they emanated. Colored reflections shined in his golden eyes.

So far from their ring and in such heightened states of anticipation meant they felt her coming.

The Captain’s woman. The Fallen. Looking down the winding dirt drive, Bast could see her glow even from this far off. It reminded him of all those years ago, when the Captain bid them to map where those tiny girls were born.

Those that came from falling stars. Beautiful babies which had all glowed like that. Shining like they were yet stars.

His happy musings were doused by the memory of the Cimmerii stealing the map they’d so meticulously created of where the girls were.

We tried to save them. He thought sadly. But the Cimmerii got there first.

They’d come in droves. Snatching the little ones to some unknown, horrible, fate.

I tried so hard to stay ahead of them. But he sent so many. Cimmerii had gone in every direction. The very moment the Forever Knights realized their precious map, en-route to Acharius’ sacred caves, was stolen.

Radix had simultaneously sent Cimmerii to collect them.

And wiped them out. Ensuring they’d never help The Fallen.

And never be able to stop Radix…

Sebastian, as a sleek black panther quietly watching the house, was startled from his reverie by the crack of a twig behind him. Spinning on his stomach, he hissed at the intruder, baring spiked feline teeth. Whose here?

“Whoa, Old Friend.” Acharius mocked his words as he strolled from the brush. Lifting his hands in supplication.

Acharius. You scared the shit out of me. Bast’s hiss turned to a low rumble of greeting.

Acharius took a seat next to Bast and lightly stroked the panther’s shoulders as he stared down the drive. “Awaiting The Fallen’s arrival, yet again, are we?” There was faint amusement in his voice.

What else? Bast bobbed his head in assent.

“I need to speak to you Old Friend.”

What’s wrong? Bast’s head spun to Acharius, yellow eyes glinting. After a thoughtful minute he straightened into a crouch and turned human. Giving Acharius an expectant look.

“I’m not certain I can stay away from her.”


Ah, the redhead. We’re speaking of the redheaded chit. Bast began to straighten as his limbs changed. Becoming human to respond to his friend.

“No one said you had to.” He pointed out.

“But Chavias…”

You can’t let him steal your chance at happiness.

“Has proven to be coldblooded and ruthless.” Bast’s voice lowered. “But he did save Deragan.”

I want to think there’s hope of his redemption. Even after all he’s done.

Even if it is a foolish hope.

“You think him above killing us, now?”

No. But I’d like to believe it…

“The Captain says Chavias turned on Radix to defend him…And I know he could’ve killed you the day I caught him watching you. But he didn’t…”

“Perhaps that’s because watching was all he was directed to do.”

A fair point. Bast was silent.

“I’ve nothing to offer her.” Acharius insisted.

She doesn’t think that. Or she’d not be following you about like a stray hound.

“You have you.” Bast offered.

Acharius scoffed.

Bast eyed him. “Where will she find a man better?”

“I don’t know!”

“Nor do I!”

“Is it fair to ask her if she wants me right before I may be assassinated?”

Let that be her decision. As the Captain does.

“Tell her everything. I think that’s her choice to make.” Bast averted his attention over the shrub and down the drive.

“I want her.” Acharius confessed. “Badly.”

And she wants you…Stop being ridiculous.

Would that were my worry.

Elsabet doesn’t seem to want me.

“And if you could only have her for a day or two before she was killed. Would you still want those days?” Bast queried.

“Damn certain I would!”

“Then why expect she would not?”

“Bloody Hell!” Acharius glowered at him. “Damn you, Bast! For making something blatantly selfish sound noble.”

It’s a skill.

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