FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Rhyers Keeps Me from Killing

“I know.” Nora winced.

She watched the Constable walk to the broad-shouldered Guardsman loading William. Tapping him on the shoulder, Constable Nelson spoke to him a moment.

The Guardsman fervently shook his head.

Constable Nelson shot Nora an encouraging look.

Blowing a thankful breath, Nora returned indoors. Climbing the stairs on leaden feet she summoned Beth and Airon.

Rosie tucked them into their small cloaks. Dropping the hoods over their heads. Leading them to the carriage, Rosie watched Nora load bags into it. There wasn’t enough room in the back for the twins’ things as well, so she piled them on the floor and one seat. Which left little room to ride. She glanced at the driver, “I’ll have to drive tonight, Arthur. Will you have the rest of the servants follow us out?”

“I…I…” He swallowed hard. “Me ‘ave saw tha’ place you go to, Miss Bishop. ’Tis rumored cursed. A woman die there once, Missus. Me canna go.”

“You mean you will not.”

“None of us will, Missus.”

“Fine.” Her lips tightened.

“But please lemme drive you, missus. ‘Tis a terrib’ nigh’ fer a lady ta be drivin’ a carriage. A cursed nigh’.”

“I haven’t a choice, Arthur. Tell them all we’ve loved them. I’ll have Nicholas send you all last payment.”

Climbing down, he handed her the rein. Giving a sad nod.

As she moved to hop up, Worthington intercepted. Squawking, she sidestepped him.

Fingers biting into her shoulders he caught her in a pinching grip. “You’d like being my mistress. Everyone jealous of you. My sister Brandie, and her companions…Those other simpering ladies...” Releasing his grip he caressed her cheek with an eerily feminine palm.

From across the lawn Deragan’s jaw ticked. His hands fisted so tight they were white-knuckled. Lightening flashed and brightened the vivid blue of his enraged eyes. Deragan moved but a vise grip snagged his forearm. Glancing over his shoulder he met Rhyers’ pale eyes. Urging him not to move.

Deragan looked back at Worthington’s filthy hands on Nora. Watching him touch her is a bitter drink.

“If he hurts her, I’ll slaughter him.”

“I know.” Rhyers offered no argument. “He won’t yet. He’s not fully turned. He’s trying to scare her. To gain favor with Radix.”

Deragan drew a quaking breath. Forcing his vibrating body still.

Slapping Worthington’s hand away, Nora’s eyes narrowed. “There’ll be a day, Worthington.” She shouldered past him.

“A day you’ll succumb.” He grated confidently.

Deragan wanted to crush him.

Gritting her teeth, she climbed into her carriage and reined the horses.

“Your eyes.” Rhyers cautioned.

Deragan ducked his head and yanked up the hood of his slicker. Hiding the yellow flash of his eyes. No longer able to control the reaction.

The dull orange glow of the head lamps lit over Worthington’s smug face as he stepped before the carriage. For an overwhelming moment, Nora considered slapping rein. And driving over the lawn and into the building smashing Worthington’s slim frame between.

No! Deragan willed her.

Her thoughts screamed so loud with the urge, he couldn’t help but hear. She knew it’d end Worthington’s tormenting.

But not your pain.

She thought if he was gone, he’d no longer harm anyone she cared about. She clutched the reins so tight her hands shook. The strips of leather creaked on the harnesses as she tugged them taut.

Smile wavering, Worthington took a step back. Seeing the look on her face as it moved from the horse’s backs, to him only a few feet up the drive. Lifting his chin in challenge he stared her down.

But to Deragan, the smell of his fear was tangible. You’re not so sure she won’t do it, aye? You should be worried. A glance at her adjusting her grip. Muscles in her neck tightening and Deragan wasn’t sure either.

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