FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Provoking Her

As naïve as she was, the shock on her face made him certain she understood his teasing innuendo. He didn’t react as she bolted. Watching her like a cat eyeing a mouse. As she rounded the entrance to this chamber and ran into the black stone hall.

“Where are you going?”

He supposed she’d chase the sound of water. That’d work.

He strode calmly behind her. Pursuing her panicked flight. Except I can see in the dark.

As clear as if it were day.

He watched her drag her hand along the stone wall. To keep from running into one.

She took the first turn and disappeared around the bend. The walls folding around her. White nightgown vanishing.

Wrong way. Entrance is behind us, Sweet Thing.

I know where she’s going.

The wall. Spinning on his heel he returned to his private chambers. Chuckling softly as he jerked free her tiny blade. Slapping the slip of silver in his palm.

It nearly gave me a shave. He eyed it balefully. Noticing it had stuck in the wall because she’d sunk it deeply into a portrait of him hanging on the wall. She hit her target afterall. He mused.

He’d built the wall earlier this year to keep flooding from scattering his supplies. And reaching the hidden closet.

Where I keep the artifacts. Though it’d done well holding out flood waters he was skeptical it’d now stand against a green-eyed whirlwind.

He heard the plunk in the corridor. Well, she’s run into it.

She squeaked and he heard a smack as she put a hand to whatever part of her face she’d injured.

She muttered. Drawing a tenuous breath, she turned and followed the other wall, trailing her hand across the blockade to turn. Taking a few steps, she thwacked into something else. Hands flying to protect her face. Blinking blearily in the dark, it took a moment before her eyes lifted from his chest to his solemn expression.

Tiny thing.

“Oh, no!” She exclaimed. Realizing it was him standing in her path. Her gaze dropped back to his chest, level with her nose. “Your shirt is hot. Why is your shirt hot?”

“My body is warmer than most.” He leaned down to whisper against her face.

“Sandalwood and trees…” She murmured stupidly.

That again?

“That’s why the House is always warmer when you’re in the garden.” She took a step back. “What are you?”

I’m not the villain. He closed in on her, backing her up until she was against the wooden slats of the wall.

“Who-who are-are you? Really.” She put a hand against him to ward him off.

As if she thinks to stop me from crushing her against the blockade.

“Acharius Sevence.” He grinned.

She’s so confused by my nearness she can’t think.

She caught the flash of his smile. Her eyes watching him fearfully. “I-I’ve b-been waiting to meet you face to face.”

“And now you have.”

Now what are you going to do? She barely reached his chest in height. And he was certain he could wrap her tiny waist in his hands, her stature was so petite.

“What are you searching for when you stare at me so?” Her voice sounded small. Apparently, she heard it as well because anger entered it when she spoke next. “Why are you following me? What is it you want?”

Why am I following you? Truly?

Be honest with yourself Girl. Whose been following whom?

“You were the one who came out seeking me. Now that you’ve invaded my den you wonder why I’d take that as a challenge?” He tossed the slender dagger between them and caught it by pinching the blade. Offering the handle to her.

I’ve never been one to resist a challenge.

Putting a palm to the wood behind her he leaned in close enough he could’ve kissed her. Short as she is.

Offering her the blade.

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