FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Not Weak

“I don’t fret to annoy you, Riaura.”

“No. You worry because you see me as weak.”

That’s not accurate!

“Not weak! Vulnerable perhaps. You’re naïve yet.” He corrected. “But far from weak.”

You’re highly ruthless in your own right.

“Don’t toy with me Alazar.” She drew her dagger to gut the animal. Careful to leave the fat that’d prove precious in getting Nightway through the bitter winter.

I hate when she talks like me. Pulling his hunter band over his hair and ears, he maneuvered the animal’s legs so she could deliver the blade with practiced expertise. Once gutted, he tossed it over his shoulders. The narrow ankles crossed so his wide hands could grip them.

She climbed the slippery slope back to the overlook to head back to Nightway. Shooting scathing looks over her shoulder at him.

What’ve I done now?

“What is it, Woman? Why do you keep looking at me thus?”

“Because it’s very bothersome I have to scramble and slip to make it up this climb, but you do it in your boots with a full-size deer over your shoulders.”

“I’ve climbed it many times.”

“And you’re stronger than me.” She added waspishly.

Now whose calling you weak?

The deer plopped to the ground and he spun her around in front of him. Sweeping up her cloak from where she’d left it over the stump. Wrapping it around her shoulders and yanking the hood up. He pressed his mouth to hers.

Her tongue met his in a delicious dance that soon had him adjusting.

“You’re no weak woman Riaura. You’re a princess providing for her kingdom and my companion who walks next to me. Never behind.”

“Try to leave me behind, Alazareth.” Challenge lit her eyes.

I’d never do that. They exchanged a prolonged stare.

Which she broke by blurting. “Will you take me somewhere tonight?”

No. Where?

If you’re asking like that, I don’t want to.

“The fact that you’re not more forthcoming in your request informs me it’s not something I’m going to like…”

“It’s taken me awhile to work up to the question.”

Even worse!

“Because you knew I’d say no.” He took a step back to give her a wary look. Distancing himself from her tended to improve his thinking.

I’m not going to like this.

“Because I thought it likely you’d want to say no.” She stepped closer and stroked the fur trimming his cloak next to his chest. Slipping her hand up to clasp his neck within. Her small hands heating his skin.

No. Nope. Don’t do that…Head falling back, he moaned.

And her hands unlaced his tunic to caress over his chest and collar.

“So, you’ve devised a way to persuade me…” He purred. Arms wrapping her narrow waist and hands sliding to grip the rounded globes of her derriere.

Yes. She’s going to change my mind. That’s obvious…

“So, let’s jump ahead.” He winced as he brought himself back to the question. “Just where am I taking you?”

Please do not be a tavern!

“To the Bear’s Claw.” She said cheerily.

“A tavern?” He expostulated. Arms flying from under her cloak as his face flushed. “No place for a princess!” He shook his head fiercely. Crossing his arms in adamant denial.


“Just the reason I’d like to go. I’ve never seen it.” She grinned cheekily.


“I’m not taking you into a tavern to be exposed to bawdy jokes and inappropriate wenches.”

“Fine.” She turned her back and swept the hem of her cloak from where snow drifted at her feet. Tossing cold lumps down his tunic and making him squawk at the sudden chill. Banishing the lingering warmth of her touch.

Sometimes it’s better to feel nothing…

“Fine?” He caught up to her doggedly.


Not fine. Not good.

“Meaning you’ve already decided to go either way?” He groaned.

“Of course.”


“Yes?” She turned to blink innocently at him.

Don’t give me that look.

“Ye’re a bloody pain in the arse!”

“As ye’ve told me afore.” She spun back around and headed through the grove. Mocking his words.

Not a chance in Hell she goes in the Bear’s Claw by herself! His teeth gnashed as he considered grabbing her skinny neck while she had her back turned.

Both of them understood, without word further, that he’d be escorting her later.

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