FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Lucien's Intervention

“Lucien!” Deragan’s voice rang from next to Nora.

Startling her enough she jumped. Head spinning to catch the faintest outline next to her. The breath from his shout emerging in a floating breath right next to her shoulder. Nora was hauled back from the road onto the lawn.

“Got her.” The returning shout from opposite the street, drew Nora’s gaze. A brown blur jetting for Meralee. As arms closed around Mera, the blur slowed enough a man in a whipping brown cloak was visible. Clutching her, he twisted. Pulling her from the carriage’s path.

The window to save her was so narrow, his back rolled across the side of the carriage as it passed. Bouncing him off the rotating wheel. Moving with it he caught his footing.

Meralee Carter ripped from his grip to face the carriage, in time to kick the back of it, screaming epithets like an enraged sailor.

Nora covered her mouth in horror.

Worthington’s carriage didn’t even slow. Deragan noted. The bastard.

“He tried to hit Mera!” Nora hands fluttered in panic. Forcing them still as she put them over her mouth.

The man with Mera whispered to her and tilted the metallic badge on his coat, declaring him part of the Grier Guard, for the brunette’s careful review. Abruptly catching her forearm, the stranger drug her to a carriage down the block. Recognizing the bronze color and the expansive Ocnomad coat of arms, Nora huffed a relieved breath. Blinking rapidly, she stared at the street. “Wh-what was that?”

Only silence answered her.

She looked around. Whoever had drug her out of the road had gone. She was alone.

Forehead sweating and hands shaking Nora moved to tell the Grier Guardsman what Worthington had tried to do.

Before Deragan could stop her, the sound of wheels on cobbles close by made her freeze. She watched in dread as the Grier’s Constable’s coach parked in her drive. Followed by several more Grier Guardsman arriving on horseback.

Constable Nelson emerged from the coach, focused on Nora.

Worthington’s carriage pulled in across the street.

Oh, no. Deragan returned to his physical body, hidden under the play structures in the park down the block. So he could return in his flesh. He jogged down the street. He passed Lucien’s coach and could hear Meralee Carter shouting from within.

Good. Get her out of here.

He heard Nora’s voice shouting at the Constable, before he was able to see her.

“Look at him!” She pointed. “How dare he! After what he’s just done!”

“He came to see I handled this.” Constable Nelson lifted a stack of parchment notes. Lips nearly trembling under his thick mustache. “These are bank notes your father wrote Duke Worthington.” Gesturing to their rental house, his expression was apologetic.

The words died on her lips as his words sunk in. “Father didn’t pay rent? But he had Nicholas’ coin!” She paled. “Worthington just tried-” She gestured limply but he cut her off.

So, this was Worthington’s game? To make her beg.

“This isn’t about Worthington.” Despite her efforts, the Constable surged on. “Every month Dennis asked old Worthington hold his notes until he’d a steady income again.” The Constable sighed. “No need to remind you that never happened. Now they-”

Simon Worthington, you mean.” She pulled her cloak tighter. “He just-”

Constable Nelson sent her a pained look. “They’re asking you make good the debt. Now. If you cannot...” His gaze fell.

Of course, she can’t!

“Then what?”

“Now Miss Bishop, I’m not to blame for this.”

No, but you’re part of it. Deragan kept his distance. Jaw tight.

“But-it’s just-you’re right.” She blew a breath. “This is Worthington’s doing.”

“Over six months here, Miss Bishop.” He shook the notes. “Enough for them to ask you leave without Notice of Eviction. I tried but-” He blew a breath. “I’m sorry Miss Bishop. In truth, you should be grateful your father is not alive, or he’d be going to debtor’s stockade.”

Shaking his head, he gestured across the street. “He expects your family out tonight. Unfortunately, he’s the right to demand it.” Studying the ground, he rubbed a bristled chin. “You know, perhaps you and the little ones could stay with me and Sara for a bit. I know it wouldn’t be the stature you’re accustomed to…But the twins…”

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