FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Introduction to the Bishops

Deragan noted Alazar’s voice lacked its previous abhorrence at the mention of the valkyrie. “She doesn’t seem to bother us as long as we don’t disturb her.” Deragan said grudgingly. “Just don’t startle her.” He added with a wince.

“I don’t even wish to know what memory you just recalled.”

“No. No, you do not.” Deragan’s lips twitched. “You’ll find me at Rosewynn if you’ve need of me.”

At Alazareth’s quiet nod, Deragan’s eyes flitted over the treeline to verify the Guardsmen had gone. “Forgive me, My Friend. There’s someone I need meet.”

My introduction to the Bishop family.

Cracking his neck violently, Deragan’s spine and joints compressed. Making him several inches shorter. Brown wove through jet black hair. Eyes flashing yellow before tinting to green. His disguise. Derrick Black.

There was a soft neigh near them as Deragan’s black and white steed stepped from the trees. Commander. Deragan pulled the horse’s muzzle into his chest and gave it a long look. It turned from him and waited patiently.

“You’ve a way with animals, Captain.” Alazar commented off-handedly.

Deragan barely noticed as energy rippled through the air before them, forming a hard shape with black metal pouring over it. When it finished, Deragan climbed into the dark curricle bearing the vicious coat of arms. Dark gray and of course, solid black. With wolves sinking teeth into it.

Alazar pushed the door closed for him. “Is this necessary, Captain? Could you not just introduce yourself?”

Deragan eyed Commander’s rein. The four white stockings danced restlessly in the fog. “I tried that once in the 1600s.”

Alazar gave him a questioning look.

“Her soul is too wary.” He blew a heavy breath. “Because of what the demon has done to her. I have to be non-threatening, gain her trust. Or she won’t let me near her.”

Alazar nodded murmuring. “It just seems cruel to deceive her.”

Deragan stared silently at the reins in his fist. Voice tight, he said. “She told me once that she’d always forgive me doing what was necessary for her to see the truth. She wrote the book to help me remind her who she is. What she is.”

“And how you both feel.” Alazar added.

Giving a grudging nod, Deragan wiped his solemn expression. Face brightening, with a mischievous smile. “Tell your brother hello for me.”

“You know full well I don’t speak to him unless absolutely necessary.” Alazar drawled. “Please do not call him back.”

Deragan laughed. If Bast weren’t out searching for Raese now, I wouldn’t have asked you to watch over the Stronghold.

And his mate.

Giving the War Horse his lead, Deragan loosed the reins. The stallion tossed clumps of dirt and grass. Clomping through the outskirts of town, Deragan focused on the miles ahead.

Shaking his head, Alazar watched his methodical captain off in such a hurry.

“Only for her.” He shook his head.

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