FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Consequence of Failure

Radix’s sneer caused bones to crunch in Worthington’s ankle.

Blinding pain coursed through him as his leg gave out, he fell screaming to the floor. Voice rising in crescendo. The sounds of fracturing bones and the terrible feel of tendons tearing ripped through him. Sitting up, he cradled his knee to his chest. Fighting the brutal jerking of his calf as his foot rotated around the socket. Toes moving to where his heel belonged.

When finally, it stopped, Simon struggled to breathe. Tears streaming his face as he blinked against pulsing pain.

What have you done?” Squealing through misery, Worthington stared up at the demon. Dampness trailing his face as teeth chattered under waves of agony.

Eyes darkening with evil glee, Radix fought a smile as he stared dispassionately at the twisted limb.

“I won’t be able to walk!”

Nothing I can’t fix.” A flip of Radix’s wrist and the haze of pain dissipated. The foot miraculously righted. Over as quickly as it’d begun.

Worthington stared at his foot.

“There now.” Radix gave a toothy grin. “Exactly where it should be.”

Worthington stared up at the willowy old man. His breaths slowed in his heaving chest and he swiped at tears with the back of his fist. When finally able to move, he used the wall for support to help him stand.

Worthington fumbled to the doorway to flee into the empty hallway. A glance into the parlor reassured him nothing disturbed his parents’ deaf ears. Simon hurried past the Parlor. Too terrified to look back.

“Don’t fail me again.” The demon taunted from the library. Voice echoing through the hall.

Worthington hobbled up the stairs, staring at his feet. Mystified at how normal it seemed now.

“Did it happen?” He wailed over his shoulder. “Or did you put it in my head?”

“You’re nauseated.” The demon appeared behind him on the stairs.

Simon yelped. Turning to face him. Wiping sweat from his forehead as he scrambled backward up the steps.

“Calm yourself Child.” Radix leaned against the wall with a smirk.

Simon drew a deep calming breath. Unsure what he could even say, he turned and took the corridor to his chamber. Opening his door and slamming it behind him, he fell to his knees.

He heard Radix’s haunting laughter fading down the stairs.

Maxine bathed his face consolingly. Wrapping his arms around her, he dropped his head against her back.

Looking very much like a small child to Bast peering through the window. This is why the Captain hasn’t killed him yet. Bast sighed and turned to cross the lawn.

He’d come in the hope of seeing Chavias. The hope of talking to him.

But he’s not here. May never be again.

He rubbed his tight shoulder. The one that had been bitten by a Sarabi so long ago.

It’s high time I go watch over the Captain’s greatest treasure.

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