FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter CHAVIAS - Udora's Suffering

Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border


Udora Novavax’s voice. Chavias heard her wailing from Radix’s personal chamber. Flying to the door of his cell, he peered through the bars down the hall. As was his custom.

I can’t see her. But he caught flashes of Radix’s robes as he turned in the doorway, pacing.

He’s agitated.

Did Rhyers save her? He knew how unlikely that was. But Radix’s voice rising in fury gave him hope intermingled with confusion. Surely even she isn’t stupid enough to return here with word she’s failed to get the girl? Chavias was astounded at the possibility.

But how many times had he seen women Radix abused come cowering back to the caves in hope of redeeming themselves for another chance at feeling his evil? Countless.

“Where. Is. She?” Radix enunciated the words.

The girl.

“There was a man!” She beseeched the demon to understand.


Radix doesn’t give a shit.

“And a giant black cat…” She continued.

Bast. Satisfaction made a broad grin cross Chavias’ face.

Yes! Exhilaration made him want to shout in satisfaction.

But his next thought was for the evil wretch that’d returned here to give Radix sour news. Fool.

Radix emerged from the chamber with a fistful of her curly yellow hair. Screeching for Okine.

“No! No! Please!” Tears streamed her face. “I can’t! He’ll-he’ll kill me!” She screamed objections. Clawing furiously at Radix only made black powder seep from the fist gripping her.

She tried valiantly to twist from his grip. Willing to tear out her own hair but Radix’s grip was unrelenting.

Inhuman in its strength. Chavias knew it well. But a part of Chavias rooted for her. Fight him off. Get out of here, you little fool! His grip on the bars in-front of him was white knuckled. But he knew she was defeated when he saw Okine’s lumbering green-yellow shadow pass through the torchlight on the otherside of Chavias’ chamber.

Too late. Gut sinking, he watched Okine brutally retrieve her from Radix. Snagging a fistful of her yellow locks and lurching forward to drag her a foot above the floor. Her hair baring all her weight as her toes drug and she clawed his hands in her hair, like a desperate animal.

“I miss.” He squawked. Deliberately walking slowly to prolong her terror.

Her screams didn’t subside, but faded as they reached the lowered levels.

Chavias huffed a pained breath and turned his back, sliding down the barred door.

When her first pained shriek cut the air he jumped, nearly launching to his feet. Wincing, he covered his ears. Why’d she come back!

Did she truly think he’d be merciful? Chavias cursed her. It’s not in him. Pain washed over him at his helplessness.

The horrible sounds went on for hours.

He tried but couldn’t block it out. Head pressed against the barred door, eyes squeezed shut and palms smashing his ears, hard as he could endure. Knees drawn to his chest.

He jerked when a light touch fell atop his foot. Eyes snapping open. He saw nothing but knew who was with him. He didn’t lower his hands from his ears. It’s excruciating! I can’t help her. And I can’t stand to listen to her anguish.

Wavering features coming into view, nose-to-nose with him.

“Calisto.” He mouthed.

She edged closer on her knees, leaning across his legs to reach him. Cold hands layering over his as she closed her eyes. Her outline flickering as she used what small energy she had.

Sounds dimmed until nearly inaudible. Everything sounded like underwater.

She’s somehow drawn fluid into my ears to block the chaotic sounds.

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