FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter CHAVIAS - A Thing of Beauty

Delacroix Hall, InnerCircle City, Mane Country


Sabine awoke to a sun already high in the sky. Confusion written over her face as she eyed the large emerald stone wrapping her finger.

A black crow standing on the edge of her bed. Shifting side to side as he blinked huge brown eyes at her.

Her maid entered the room. “There is a caller, Mum.”

Her voice startled the bird. Making him fly out the window.

Sabine’s head shot up with interest. Letting her maid assist her, she pulled clothes on and asked the girl to tuck her hair up in pins. Catching up her skirts, she rushed downstairs.

Her butler gestured to the Sitting Room. Bursting through the doors, she immediately deflated upon finding LauraBeth there.

“Hello, LauraBeth.”

“Sabine! Don’t look so excited to see me.” She said dryly.

“What are you doing here?”

“You were so strange last night I worried for you!” The short brunette climbed to her feet and rushed over to scoop up her hands. “What happened? Was he there?”

“He was.”

“Did you see him this time?”

“Never.” Sabine’s eyes fell to the floor.

“You will!” LauraBeth assured. “Who could resist you?”

Sabine’s bright blue gaze lifted to her friend.

“God, I hope he doesn’t!” LauraBeth added. “I might have a suitor if you were off the market!”

That made Sabine laugh. A robust sound seeming strange coming from such a delicate looking woman. “Hush LauraBeth. You’ve plenty of suitors.”

“Yes.” LauraBeth nodded emphatically. “It’s astounding how many I have when you are with me.” LauraBeth groaned.

Sabine shook her head softly as she looked at the petite girl before her. “I often wished I looked like you.” Sabine murmured.

“You’re a fool.” LauraBeth pronounced and spun on her heel. “Now come tell me of this…phantom…seducer of women…whatever he is…”

“Funny you should say that…”

LauraBeth’s brows lifted in interest. “Ooh. Do tell.”

“I had the strangest conversation last night.”

“I’m rapt with curiosity.”

“His voice is so strange.”

“Old?” LauraBeth scrunched up her face. “Hoarse?”

“No. Alluring, I think would be the word.”

“Of course, it would be.” LauraBeth sighed. Dropping her chin into a palm.

“But dark and calming.”

“Dark and calming? How is that possible?”

“I haven’t the foggiest.”

“He said the moon makes him hungry.”

“Like…for cake?” LauraBeth tilted her head and her brow furrowed.

“No, I think he meant for a woman.”

“For you.” LauraBeth corrected.



“And he said someone is coming for me?”

“Like an attractive bachelor with a fond fortune?”

“No, like someone bad.”

“He probably meant Trina.” LauraBeth warmed her cup from the pot.

Sabine had just taken a drink and nearly spit it at the comment. LauraBeth wasn’t fond of their mutual friend since they’d recently had a dispute over a suitor.

“No.” Sabine choked. “Like someone really bad.”

“Is there someone worse?” LauraBeth lifted her cup to her lips.


“Who in Ardae would that be? I’d be interested in meeting someone that evil.”

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