FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter Cannot Recommend It

That’s accurate.

“But not how I move.” He circled her from a distance. “My eyes.” He gestured up and she did indeed give them a long study. “Every line in my face.”

“It’s identical.” She admitted slowly. “But you’re not him. I feel…something, when…when he is…near me.”

I bet you do.

“But not now?”

“Not with you.” Her blue eyes scoured his face. “Every wall in this castle bends to him when he enters. Everything wishes to be closer to him. But not you.”

I am less lovable indeed.

“That is true.” He grudgingly admitted.

“So…Who…are you?” Her tone hardened.

He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “It’s astonishing really. Most people cannot tell me from my twin…save the hair.” He gestured carelessly. “So, this is what you are…His Elsabet. The creature of his interest.”

Obsession is more accurate.

Warmth suffused her cheeks indicating pleasure her face belied.

Interlinking his hands before his face, he tapped his lips with his index fingers. Leaning in for a closer inspection.

Her lip curled, and a hiss escaped her. Eyes melting to glowing red.

He reached to catch her chin, but a low growl and the speeding of her breaths gave him pause.

“Brother, I cannot recommend such foolhardy action. She doesn’t savor the touch of men.” Bast drawled. Entering the room, he moved to the other chair by the fire. The one Alazareth had departed. He adjusted the glass dish of nuts.

“Where did you come from?” She asked. Eyes scanning one than the other.

“You think I’ll offend her?” The man closer to her questioned from behind her. Though he didn’t move.

“No, Alazareth.” Bast stated in a sure tone. He picked out some walnuts and popped them in his mouth. “I think she’ll take your damn hand off.”

Alazareth straightened. Cocking his head at her. “She doesn’t seem as dangerous as you say. Quite tiny and lovely really.”

Her brows drew together, and hands fisted over the armrests of her chair. Teeth extending to points which protruded her upper lip.

“Why does she look even angrier?” Alazareth queried to Bast, moving to stand next to his brother to see her.

“She’s upset we dare talk about her whilst she sits here with us.” Bast didn’t look over at her. Shuffling through the nuts as firelight danced over his features.

Her lips so tight they whitened.

Bast cocked his head, mirroring his twin. Expression nearly fond as he eyed her. Clearly further inciting her ire.

Her eyes flicked more quickly between them. The similarities between the men were uncanny.

We know. Alazareth groaned inwardly.

She shook her head. “Why in the Devil would one ever make two?”

“Two so capable of possessing women’s hearts?” Bast filled in. Pausing to give her a lingering study.

He’s goading her.

“Fortunately, I’m no simpering creature.”

Bast quirked a brow.

“Are you trying to read my thoughts?” She snapped, enraged.

He turned his body to gesture to Alazareth. “Elsabet, this is my brother, Alazar.”

Yes, he was. Alazareth hid a smile.

Her eyes roved the short-haired one.

“Your twin.” She supplied.

“Be patient with him, he believes himself more remarkable than I.” Bast grinned.

She scoffed. “No one finds themselves more remarkable then you do!”

“She’s charming.” Alazareth commented. Looking at her furious glower.

She pulls no punches with him. Good.

“And she’ll tear you in half in a second.” Bast added proudly. “I know from experience.”

Alazar quirked an intrigued brow. “Now that, I’d be interested in hearing about.”

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