FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter ALAZAR - Telling Bast about Savage & Chavias

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


Telling Bast about Savage Jaxson & Chavias

True to his word, Alazareth returned with dawn. Finding Bast plucking at breakfast and staring so forlornly across the empty table that Alazareth nearly laughed upon catching sight of him.

“What happened now?” He laughingly pulled out a chair as Elengard delivered him a trencher and woodware. She brought the pot of boiled eggs and trencher of ham and bacon to his end of the table.

“Thanks, El.” He smiled at her.

She gave him a fond wink. Twice his age, she enjoyed doting on him.

He suspected because Bast was less appreciative.

Spoiled Shit. But he smiled at his brother who so often seemed much younger.

“What’s with you?” Alazareth asked. Realizing Bast hadn’t answered him.

“I told her to join me for breakfast.” He grumbled.

Alazareth winced. “You, yourself have told me that ordering her about generally makes her do the opposite.”

“Yes, but I was merely trying to invite her.”

“Did it sound like an invite when it came out of your mouth?”

Bast’s brow furrowed as he stared at his full trencher. “Likely not.”

“Well done.”

Bast gave him an annoyed look. “What have you come for this morning?”

“I told you I would.”

“Yes, but twice a visit in as many days is unlike you. What’s plaguing you?”

“Not plaguing actually.”

“Then what?”

“I think it may be a sort of good news…”


“But I don’t think you’re going to receive it well.” Alazareth warned. Face worried.

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because it concerns, Chavias.”

“I’m well aware what he’s been up to.”

“Yes, but do you know why?”

“Yes, he’s serving Radix. He’s turned.”

“Has he?”

“Alazareth!” Bast sparked. “Can you just say what you mean and cease fiddling round the matter?”

“Perhaps he hasn’t turned. Perhaps he has chosen to stay and be tortured for our sakes.”

Here it comes. Three, two…

“To what end!” Bast threw down his napkin as he launched to his feet. Making platters clatter on the table. “What are you getting at?” His eyes flashed golden fury.

“Calm.” Alazar put up a staying hand. “To help us.”

Bast remained on his feet. Chest heaving. And body wound with discord. “Helping us by killing us?”

“By keeping Radix from taking another warlord, who couldn’t fight him as diligently, who wouldn’t know how to combat Radix’s techniques. Perhaps he kills us to save us from years of torture. Killing some to save the many.”

“That would shred Chavias’ soul.” Bast slumped back into his chair.

“Yes. It would.” Alazar’s gaze fell to his trencher. Finding he was no longer hungry either.

They were both silent as they tried to puzzle it out.

“How do you know this?” Bast blurted.

“Do you know who Savage Jaxson is?”

“I know the name. I’ve never met the man. King of Assassins, I hear?”

“Yes.” Alazar acknowledged.

“Is he credible?”

“There’s no one more so. He doesn’t bother with lying. If someone doesn’t like what he has to say, he’s like to just kill them rather than bother with lying to them.”

“Sounds pleasant.” Bast grunted.

“Not at all.” Alazareth announced. Drawing a breath. “He’s no motive to lie.”

“How’d he come by the information?”

“Do you know nothing of him?”

“I know he runs the Blue Lark. I’ve never gone. I’ve no need to mingle with assassins.” He gave his twin a pointed look. Disapproval written over his face at his brother’s chosen profession.

“He was raised with Radix’s Cimmerii. With Chavias.”

“What?” Bast frowned.

“I’d recommend you talk to him one day.” Alazar suggested. “You’d both get on quite well, I imagine.”

Not at all. Alazar laughed to himself.

“He’d be able to tell you all about it. Straight from him. Then you could see if you think he lies for yourself.”

Bast studied his short-haired twin before snorting. “I’ve no need to mingle with as-sassins.”

But you’re tempted to hear of Chavias, nonetheless. Alazareth gave him a knowing look.

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