FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter A War of Her Choice

Riaura’s eyes narrowed on Danbury as though she’d argue.

Sensing it, Marod threw a trencher across the table at Riaura.

Don’t hurt her. He tightened to lunge forward but before he did Riaura reflexively emitted a green light as she deflected it.

Fortunately, it was small enough it was only visible for a brief flash on the edge of the trencher. Alazar’s gaze flicked over the room and saw only one knight shifting uncomfortably.

Alazareth seeped into his mind. You didn’t see it. From the corner of his eye, he saw the other knight lower his head in a slight nod. Agreeing with what he thinks to be his own thoughts.

“Don’t you argue with me, Girl!” Marod snapped. “I am Queen!”

For however long you’re alive. Alazar wanted to object. No guarantee that will be long…He was tempted to make it much shorter.

Riaura stood defiantly.

“Riaura…” Charles said in a disappointed voice. “You’re not behaving as a Lady.”

She just had a trencher thrown at her and she’s not the lady! Alazareth felt a growl rumbling in his throat and fought to keep it down. Instinct to protect his lover rising to the fore.

“Riaura.” Charles coaxed. Finally breaking her challenging look from the Queen. “Come to me.”

Don’t. He hoped.

She did as bid. Stiffly.

Go out. Leave. Alazar willed. Come to me instead…

But she knelt before Charles’ chair.

What choice does she have?

Danbury caressed her cheek and hair as though she were still a child. “You mustn’t see that man anymore. It’s not proper for a Lady of your standing. He’s a forest rat…Possibly a rebel.”

I’m a Rebel now? Based on what?

“It’s true.” Marod shot out. “If he had feelings for you why wouldn’t he come here? Why hide with you and encourage behavior unbefitting a lady? Perhaps you should consider what keeps him in the hours you’re not with him…”

Keeps me? What’s she implying? He was utterly bewildered. I’m here. Always here.

Watching over her.

“Go.” Charles bid. “Rest. Think on it. You’ll see the wisdom in what we say.”

I hope not. Alazareth’s teeth gritted. Come to me. I’ll explain away any fears they plant in your heart. He thought.

But Riaura obediently rose and went upstairs to her chamber without a word more.

They’re wearing her down. The thought made his stomach drop. How can I war with people I’m not even supposed to know?

I can’t. Not without putting her between them and I.

That has to be her choice…

Marod rose from the table and drew close to Danbury. Taking a chair next to him. “We’ve a problem.”

Danbury’s eyes lit orange. “If we’ve any problems they’re of your making.” He put a knuckle under her chin. “You’re incapable of treading carefully.” There was no amusement or charm on his face.

Of her making?

For not controlling Riaura. He realized.

Marod’s face hardened. “The man she meets is no peasant trying to seduce her.”

“Then why the trees?”

To avoid your kind. Alazareth thought.

“He’s one of them.” She supplied.

“A Forever Knight?”

“Aeternus.” Marod nodded.

Alazareth winced under his helmet. Shit.

“Radix will want to know.” Danbury said.

“Not yet.” Marod coaxed. “I must have proof. Evidence.”

“How do you know what he is?”

Yes, how?

“A rock.”

“A rock?”

A rock?

Oh, the rock. He realized.

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