FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter A Man With a Soul

Calisto had been gone nearly an hour when Chavias heard someone else arrive on the surface.

Heavier step. Several horses moving. Armor…Men.

A tall blonde with a beard and mustache passed the light of the torch as he confidently entered Radix’s chamber unbidden.

Chavias instantly recognized him as the man that had scolded Okine for trying to make Chavias crawl. The man who doesn’t fit in with these Cimmerii.

“Garix.” Radix said. Displeasure filling his voice, but he didn’t order him leave.

What power does this man have that Radix is willing to bend to him?

He’s either incredibly wealthy and possesses a spine or he’s a man with a big enough purpose he doesn’t give a shit if Radix kills him.

Either, makes him more honorable than any other being Radix associates with. Chavias attuned his animal hearing to catch the conversation.

“Ye promise me, Malorum! Tha’ workin’ wit’ ye would free me people from tha’ bitch Queen!”


“Instead I ‘ave me cousin, Sam questionin’ me bout Cimmerii. ‘E’s gettin’ too close an’ two nights ago me was confron’ed by a assassin intendin’ ta kill me.”

“Looks like he failed.”

“’E didn’t fail!” Garix gestured broadly as he backed from the entrance to the chamber, into the hall, roaring. “’E’s the Nauvree fer God’s sake! He do no’ fail. ‘E le’ me live.”

Alazareth did?

For once, Radix asked the same question Chavias wanted an answer to. “Why?”

“’E’s made a interestin’ proposition.” Garix ran a hand through dark brown hair.

“Good.” Radix said. “Use it to get close to him.”

“I inten’ ta.” Garix said. “I’m no’ a foo’.”

At that moment, Udora’s tormented shrieks rose again from the dungeon.

Garix whipped to look down the stone hall. Brown eyes alarmed.

These aren’t sounds he’s accustomed to. Chavias slammed his hands back over his ears. Wishing Calisto hadn’t gone. He had to concentrate to adjust his hearing back to human to minimize some of the agony.

But Garix went thundering down the passageway at a run, capturing Chavias’ interest. He only slowed when it grew too dark to see. He drug a hand along the wall to find his way. Following the sounds of her suffering.

What is the crazy fool doing? Chavias willed him to stop. You’re the only one in this bunch that has honor and you’re going to get yourself killed. Chavias pitied him.

But he heard Okine’s frustrated roar.

And Radix’s rasping voice cut like a whip through the stone corridors. “Let it go, Okine!”

And the ogre silenced.

Garix emerged carrying the dirtied woman wrapped in his cloak. He past Radix’s chamber, barely pausing as Radix clearly awaited him.

“I’ll advise ye of wha’ ’appens.”

“Apprise me of your plans to overtake Nightway. Soon.”

Garix lowered his head in deference.

“Garix.” Radix stopped him before he took another step. “You are not taking that woman out of these caves. She belongs to me.”

I’m amazed he let you bring her this far. Chavias watched in shock. Garix doesn’t care if he dies, and Radix knows it.

“Wha’ ‘e was doin’ ta ‘er is disgustin’. No crea’ure deserves tha’!”

“Fine.” Radix said. “Set her there.”

Garix carried her whimpering form into Radix’s chamber. Reluctance apparent.

She panted like a petrified animal.

“Give me yer wor’ ye’ll no’ jus’ ’ave ‘er back ta tha’ animal the momen’ me gone.”

Careful Garix. Chavias thought. You’re a good man. Don’t go getting yourself killed.

“Why would I do that?” A dangerous note entered his voice.

“Becau’ if ye don’ give me yer wor’, ye’ll ’ave ta kill me ‘ere an’ now. I’ll march back down there ta kill yer commander.”

“I don’t want you dead.”

Why? What do you need from him, Radix? Chavias pondered.

“Then it’s in yer ’ands.”

“You have my word.” Radix grunted. Disgust entering his tone.

He’d have rather cut his own throat.

Garix left the chamber and passed the torches, absent his cloak.

Well done. Chavias admired the man’s fearlessness.

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