FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter TEVERIUS - Hideously White

Gilwynn Village Road, Netherlands


Teverius ambled next to the winding dirt road aiming for Gilwynn Village, concealed in tall grass. At least as best as I can be. Not an easy feat when you’re stark white.


The sound of Bast’s voice made Tev jerk and heart sink. He slinked into the deep grass.

“You’re too late. I’ve seen you.” Bast said dryly. Running a hand through long blonde hair as he gazed down at the animal.

The white panther glanced up. Light blue eyes squinting against afternoon sunshine.

What now?

“How long do you intend to avoid us?”

And, like Bast, to head straight for the crux of the matter.

The animal’s long look was answer enough. Indefinitely.

“You and I need to have a long overdue conversation.”

No, we do not! The panther grunted and dropped his chin over crossed paws.

“Come now. Don’t pout. I’d prefer to speak to you man to man.”

I’d prefer not to discuss this atall! He grunted and straightened. Back arching and crunching.

“Come on man, I haven’t all day.”

Tev shot him a blue glower. After a few moments he unraveled his tall willowy frame to face Bast.

Let’s get this over with. He groaned inwardly.

Bast gestured to his length. Before glancing over his shoulder. “In truth? You intend to stand here in the buff next to the road?”

Isn’t that obvious?

“Yes. Will it make you go away?” Tev crossed his arms over his defined chest. Standing feet apart, unashamed in his nudity.

After as many times as he’s left his chamber open for us all to see more than desired, he wishes to shame me out here?

“There could be women.” Bast suggested.

You’ll have to do better than that.

“It serves them right to be this far out here.” Tev’s chin hitched like an impudent child.

“And what if a child were to wander by?”

Oof. Fair point. Sighing dramatically and slumping, Tev willed on a pair of breeches but remained shirtless. To spite him.

Bast shook his head in amusement. But as he studied Tev for the first time in a long time, he was horrified. “Good Gad man! Have you not seen a sunrise in all this time?”

No. I lurk in trees to avoid people.

To avoid exactly these type of interactions.

“I’m out here now, aren’t I?” He gestured in annoyance.

“Yes. Glaring in the sun blindingly. You’re hideously white!”

Thank you. He thought dryly.

“Not all of us look as you, Bast.”

“Yes, but you usually do! Every hair carefully in place. You can’t keep this up.” Bast gestured to his length.

Go away.

Don’t judge me.

“Keep what up?”

“You know very well what. We all miss you.” They exchanged a long look where neither backed down. “This. Hiding from all of us and wallowing in self-pity. It was no more your fault then mine.”

Yes, it was. I was responsible for the map! Not you.

“Is that what you told yourself after they drug Chavias off?”

Bast punched him soundly. In the mouth. Making the corner of Tev’s lip bleed.

“Do you feel better now?” Bast asked without any glimmer of emotion. “That’s what you hoped for, wasn’t it?”

Vaguely better, yes.

“It does make me feel better.” He wiped the bit of blood.

“Can we get on with this conversation then?”

“If we must.” Tev groaned.

I’d rather be getting spikes driven under my toenails but of course, let’s do as you wish.

Like always.

“I didn’t have it in me-didn’t think to stop you when you left. I…”

Oh, no. Don’t apologize. Tev closed his eyes against the words.

“Bast you’re a fool if this is what you’ve come to say to me.”

“Excuse me?” Bast lifted a gold brow as he eyed the slimmer man.

“I know why you didn’t. You were trying to find a way to get them back. Do you think I’d have been stopped, had you bothered?”


Puzzled, Bast rubbed his chin. “Likely not.”

Definitely not. Tev thought.

“Then why is this conversation essential?”

“Because I needed you to know it was never your fault. It’s not right, you banishing yourself. We’ve lost too many already…”

“True.” He said quietly. “And we may’ve lost far less in future had I not condemned all those Watchers to Radix’s abyss.”

“Enough!” Bast proclaimed. “You’ve done well over the years. In every assignment the Captain ever gave you. Stop dwelling on this.”

“This one, tiny incident?” Tev said dryly.

Bast tsked. Giving him a reprimanding look. “Come, Little Brother.” He swung a muscled arm around Tev. “We’ll go to the Silver Stallion and have a drink. Like we used to! It’s been far too long.”

No. No. Hell no!

“One?” Tev eyed him.

Why is that coming out of my mouth? I know how this’ll end.

With my head aching!

“Never just one.”

“What if I don’t wish to revel?”

“Precisely why we’ll have more than one!”

“Have I mentioned how much I hate you?” Tev said sullenly.

“No.” Bast murmured. “But I assure you, my twin tells me often enough for all of you.”

“This is going to be a long night, isn’t it?”

“No, My Friend. A short night. But a long…painful morning…”

“I hate you.”

“It seems I hear that a lot of late.”

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