FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter RHYERS - Christophe!

Marshall Manse, Mane Country


The Marshall butler let Rhyers in, knowing how well the family knew him. He told Rhyers Samuel was upstairs putting Ebony to bed.

Perhaps, I won’t hurt her feelings tonight. He was hopeful. He’d just returned from his visit to WaterRose and had thought to visit his friends before going home.

Rhyers sat in the parlor awhile before growing impatient. Eventually meandering upstairs, curious as to what kept Sam so long. As he neared Ebony’s door, he heard Sam murmuring softly and realized Sam told a story.

He’s a very good storyteller. Rhyers knew.

Rhyers leaned his back to the wall to listen. Sam’s voice carried to him through the cracked door. Rhyers’ brows lifted as he recognized this story.

Hunting in the Netherlands?


“We found the monster, the man we’d been hunting at the inn in the Netherlands. He jumped at me and I hit him!” Sam grunted. “Like that. Then he drew his sword. And I had to turn like this.” He paused.

Imitating the block he’d maneuvered. Grinning as he pictured Sam talking in his emphatic way. Jerking and gesturing wildly.

“Then this way! And that’s when he got me right there!”

Pointing to his bandaged forearm, no doubt.

“Just when I realized he had me in the corner, Christophe appeared.”

He’s telling her about me?

“Christophe!” She cheered.

He makes me sound like some great savior. Rhyers shifted, disconcerted.

“Yes. He came running in. The door banged and distracted the monster.”

A Firoque, Tross. Part man but yes, also monster.

“Then what’d he do?”

“He came in with his thin sword. It looked like it shouldn’t have been durable enough to block the bigger one the monster wielded, but it was. And then he’d put his elbow in the monster’s face. Like this.” A pause. “Then like this. And he was so fast the monster couldn’t stop him.”

It wasn’t nearly that simple.

Some tale to tell a young lady.

She hooted. Alive with excitement.

Rhyers groaned. Shaking his head in dread.

“He rescued you!”

“Yea.” Sam agreed.

No. I kept us both alive. That was it.

“Christophe is so wonderful!” She gushed.

Oh, no.

“Because he saves your big brother?”

“Because he saves everyone!” She cheered.

Saves everyone? Rhyers grimaced.

Sam laughed.

Rhyers heard a kiss.

Then Sam opened the door. Spotting Rhyers reprimanding look as he emerged.

“Greeting.” He nodded with a bright grin.

“Good eve.” Rhyers acknowledged. “Bedtime stories?”

Ones utterly inappropriate for a young lady?

Sam shrugged.

He should be ashamed. Rhyer’s light green eyes went slitted.

“About us?”

“About you.” Sam corrected.


“She’s seen so much darkness in her years. I want her to understand there’s still goodness out there.”

And you use me for that?

“So, you make me out to be some chivalrous knight?”

“Aren’t you?”

Not nearly.

“No.” Rhyers said dryly.

“Well, I may be no damsel in distress, but you’ve defended my back a time or two.”

Mite more than two…

“Two?” Rhyers arched a thin black brow.

“Exactly my meaning.” Sam agreed. “What’s wrong in telling her the stories?”


“For one, it could expose me, if she were to tell.”

“She doesn’t know it’s you. She thinks it’s my revered partner, Christophe. Savior of maidens and protector of brothers!” Sam gestured about the power in it with a waving fist.

Ugh. Rhyers groaned.

“Come.” Samuel caught Rhyers’ shoulder and turned him. Giving it a solid pat before guiding him to the stairs. “Let’s go have a drink.”

I need one after listening to that load of horseshit.

“You really shouldn’t make me some glorified hero.” Rhyers shook his head. “It’ll cause problems later.” He vowed.

“How so?”

“If she thinks her brother idolizes ‘Christophe’ then she will too.”

I don’t need that!


Rhyers tossed him a gaping look and realized in that moment, it was likely Sam had been telling these stories for a long time. And won’t likely be stopped now.

Rhyers rolled his eyes Heavenward. “I’m not certain you’ve enough drink.” He grumbled.

Definitely not.

“Well, I intend to find out!” Samuel declared optimistically.

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