FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter RAESE - Who is That?

Tamarin Manse, Mane Country


Raese finally stopped his exhausted shivering.

The flood of memories pouring over him and the strange changing of his body was draining. Not knowing is draining.

Who am I? Really.

He caught Rodger Barnes’ voice below. “Whiting! Whiting, Man are you ready?”

Raese recalled scheduling to attend tonight’s gala at Tamarin Hall with his friend. A chance to lighten my intense mood of late.

And to appease my aggravated mistress. Though in truth, he dreaded seeing Leslie.

He called his manservant to help him dress. Quickly throwing on a red embroidered under vest, and a green overcoat. Hair groomed back from his face.

And I’m ready.

To do my best not to think of her for a while…My wife. The words were strange in his mind. Yet somehow, they still rang with truth.

My wife. And he missed her. There was no denying it. Pain tore through him at the thought of her. Of the easy companionship they’d shared. The deep closeness he felt with her that he couldn’t recall feeling with any other human being.

Even now, centuries later, she reaches for me. Lending me her strength. Just as I’d tried to give her mine.

As they arrived at Tamarin Hall, Raese got out of Barnes’ carriage. Steps numbed as he struggled to recall what’d happened in the Dread Country ball, so long ago.

What’d forced his body to change into something…else? Some creature.

Different then the scales on my hand before.

Raese walked through the glowing ballroom with Rodger Barnes. The candles lit all around the dark marble floor and long bright colored tapestries. So vibrant it was a clear contrast to the torchlit bailey dance held in Dread Country.

Prettier, more modern. But for him it was still far colder. Without her at my side.

Raese was lost in thought when another man past him. A man with long dark hair barely brushed his shoulder. Making Raese stiffen and look around the room. There was a familiar feeling. A sense of kindred. Familiarity. Raese spun to try to catch sight of the black overcoat and long black hair but couldn’t spot the man in the crowd.

I know you. Who are you?

It suddenly struck Raese how very much he didn’t know. How much he couldn’t recall. It’s strange the first thing I can recollect is Rodger finding me wandering into Nightway and taking me to my country home.

How much have I forgotten?

Why can’t I recall? He was awash with questions.

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