FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter RAESE - Radix

WhiteHall, Harridan Hamlet, Paladines


Raese sat at his breakfast table. Listening to the ruckus outside as servants tried to stave off the wolves trying to raid the kitchens. Shouting as they threatened with pitchforks.

It’s almost become a morning ritual. He lifted a cup to his lips. Enjoying the sunshine floating in the large Dining Hall window. Filmy curtains blew in. Dancing on a light breeze.

His butler meandered through to ask if there was anything further, he needed.

“The wolves again?” He queried.

“Just the one.” The butler bowed as he answered. “Determined, bloodthirsty creature. Nearly here, every morning.”

Raese shook his head bemusedly as the butler exited the room. He lifted the teacup again and felt a dizzying sensation. Lurching forward, he barely managed to slam the cup to the table to keep from toppling it. He dully felt the slosh of fluid on his hand, but his mind was ripped through time.

Taken back to that bailey in Dread Country. Remembering seeing Calisto swerving through the crowd toward the man in shadow.

A red eyed creature in gray robes. Excitement welled through him that he could recall things while awake. Not just in my sleep.

She’s coming back to me. He remembered her walking to the old man. Feeling a surge of rage at the stranger. Growl rumbling in his throat. But now he was ready for the change, able to keep it from taking over him this time.

Radix. Raese glimpsed red-orange eyes glowing like embers, from under the hood of his cloak as he tried to ease deeper into shadows.

Raese tuned into Calisto’s heart and heard it racing with rising temper. Radix opened his mouth to speak, but she raised her hands to ward off whatever he said to her.

His eyes thinned, but he didn’t attack her, to Raese’s shock.

Raese eased closer.

She knows him. His stomach sunk. I was so careful to ensure she wasn’t one of them. How’d I miss it? It felt like a piece of him was dying.

Don’t be hasty. A voice whispered in his mind, but another part screamed he should leave.

Perhaps everything to do with her is a trap. Carefully conjured to lure me. And oh, how it’s worked. He was rooted where he stood. Somehow hoping whatever she’d say when she returned, would cleanse his mind. Restore my high perception of her. But he was terrified there was nothing she could say that’d do that now.

He’d gotten close enough to hear.

“I told you I’ll never join you. I’ve told you to stop following me, or so help me I’ll rain the river down on you while you cut my throat. Because I will never serve you.”

“You will or you will die.” He warned.

She laughed coldly. “I don’t fear you, Old Demon. I laugh at you.” And she grinned in the darkness. “You will never frighten me. Never bully me.”

Fierce. My Dread Queen.

Radix’s eyes flashed red as she gave him her back. Stalking back to Raese’s side.

It was more then Raese hoped for. She was never Radix’s. Despite his efforts, apparently.

She’d told him off with all the courage and strength of a Forever Knight. Daring and beautiful.

Leaving Radix hissing at her back.

Bold and fearless. Raese knew in that moment, that he loved this wild Feglen Forest woman. And I have to have her. Protect her for as long as she lives.

In the present he heard an echo of his own voice making that promise aloud.

Perhaps a wedding vow I made once? It seemed right.

Raese was back in his chair at his breakfast table in the Paladines, blinking slowly at the wispy curtains fluttering at his window. Far from the Wilhelm Bailey.

I’ve never even been to Wilhelm. Yet he was certain he could describe every detail of the castle and courtyard.

He glanced down at his cracked teacup and spotted the vivid blister marring the skin between his thumb and forefinger.

How’d that happen? He saw the liquid spilled over the surface of his table and pooled under his fist holding the handle. He lifted his hand and saw the red burn and white blistering on the underside of his fist and arm. He stared at it stunned. Why didn’t I feel it?

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