FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter He's Betraying You

“She huffed. Called me names. Then backed from the room.”

“Is that a good thing?”

“Well…” She drew a deep breath. “She’s not spoken to me since…”

How can that be bad?

“I’ve watched her ruling over the years.” She continued. “I’ve decided what’s good and what she did poorly.”

“Good.” He was looking at some tracks in the mud on the otherside of a root next to him. Pondering what kind of animal it was. He shifted to look over it. His hand dropping from his arm to fall lightly on her forehead.


Not a Noni. As he settled back down, he stared at his muddied boots thoughtfully. Waiting for her to keep talking. Not realizing he’d begun absentmindedly rubbing his thumb over her forehead and bangs. Massaging the area between her brows.

Upon noticing he returned his hand to his other elbow.

“Why do you do that?” She asked tilting her head back up to look at him.


“Act like touching me is loathsome.”

His brow knitted. “I don’t.”

“You do.”

“What were you saying about Marod?” He gestured agitatedly, uncomfortable with the topic.

Her gaze returned to the wisp of grass she twirled. “I’ve seen how she treats the villagers. Quick to starve the family of a man who displeases her or throw someone guilty of a minor crime to the dogs in the dungeon.”

Alazar frowned down at her and she must have sensed his concerns. “I’ll be no cold ruler like she is, Alazar.”

He eyed her askance. I hope not.

“I won’t! I swear. I’ll hear them. No one will want to rise against me.”

They already do. Because you won’t listen about Danbury.

“And do you suppose Danbury will rule the same?”

He won’t.

“Danbury?” She laughed. “You make him sound so formal.”

I’m not calling him Charles.

“Are you criticizing my friendship with him?” Her brows drew together.

Would that you defended me so heatedly whilst he criticizes me!

Mustering his wisdom, he chose his words carefully. “I merely asked if you believe he’ll be as careful in his dealings with the people, Riaura.”

“He will.” She said with certainty.

So sure? His heart sunk. She’ll never see it. He was suddenly afraid. For her people. For her…

“He knows I wish to bring peace to Nightway. He’s agreed we’ll rule with compassion.”

Sure he will.

Alazareth’s brows drew up. “Compassion?”

He doesn’t even know the meaning!

“Yes.” She affirmed. “He says a woman ruling Nightway alone wouldn’t be respected by the people. I’ve seen enough of the damage mother wrought to be sure he’s right. He says a man’s wisdom is necessary to bring peace.”

A man’s wisdom? And you bought that? He swallowed his animosity. Looking Heavenward for patience. Trying not to say something she’d take as insulting. I’ve seen far more wise women than men.

Calisto for instance.

Men are made for war. Not patience. Kindness…We’re not made for wisdom. Contempt darkened his features.

He’s telling you he’ll demand his rule is all powerful and you’ll not have a voice.

And I’d thought you too clever. As much as he wanted to say the words, he knew it’d only distance her. He held his silence, studying her green eyes. He glimpsed the fear there despite her words belying it.

She’s not so sure.

But she’s afraid. She thinks she needs someone to lean on. Not him. Pick a boy. A good boy from the village. He sighed. Did I really think she’d listen to me forever?

Yes. A small part of him had hoped. I can’t keep her safe if she won’t.

“Do you agree with that, Riaura? I hadn’t thought a girl of your intelligence would need a man.”

She gnawed her bottom lip. “I want to prove to them I can do it without one...” She admitted.

“But you feel you need his leadership?” He finished for her. Trying to mask the scorn in his voice. “So, you’ve decided to accept him as your intended?”

“I don’t know, Alazareth. Is there any reason I shouldn’t?” She peered up at him hopefully.

Hopeful for what?

My approval? He tilted his head sensing there was more to this question.

“In what way do you mean?” He queried.

“What would you say if I were to marry him?”

Nothing you’d hear.

“I’d wish you well.”

And mourn for your people. He bit back the words.

Some things I must let her learn for herself. He told himself. But it didn’t comfort his disquiet.

“Come the rain has stopped and it is getting dark. Let me lead you back.” He nodded for her to rise.

“You usually give me a hand up…Why so rude today?”

He blinked at her reproachfully. Tipping his head sideways he gave a slight tug on his cloak folded under her while still attached around his collar.

“Oh!” Giggling she rose and offered him a hand.

As though she could help me up…Rolling his eyes Heavenward he slid to his feet to walk her back. But a smile danced around his lips.

The walk back to Nightway castle was quiet. Riaura abruptly stepped in his path, rounding to face him.

He reared back in surprise. “What?”

She gave him a long study.

What? He tried to read the sudden change in her temperament. Before he could gauge it, she reached up and caught the back of his head. Standing on her toes and pulling him down to her. Pressing soft lips to his nose.

Startled eyes widened on her. What’s she thinking

Seeing he’d not jerked away nor spurned her advance, she dipped lower and smooth lips pressed to his.

He reared back but she palmed the back of his neck to yank him forward, anticipating his reaction. Their lips met and his instincts took over. He’d no time to process what occurred before his arms wrapped her waist and shoulders to pull her against him. Lifting her off her feet. His embrace tightened as she reacted to the urging of his tongue and hands caressing along her back of their own volition.

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