FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter For Once, In Time

He’s the only one that sees me. Deragan had never been more relieved to see him.

The balcony brightened under a halo of moonlight. Pouring around them like a flipped switch. Behind her the moon became so vivid it was nearly blinding.

Drunkenly throwing an arm over his face Worthington shielded himself.

As Lucien crossed the balcony in a few long steps and caught Worthington’s collar, Nora reacted. Shoving him back.

Lucien turned Worthington to face him and caught him across the face with a crushing elbow. His fist was next to follow. Bloodying Worthington’s face and smashing his mouth.

He teetered and whined, cradling his cheek.

Nora fled the balcony.

Worthington reached to catch at her skirt but the satin slipped through. And she was blessedly gone.

Lucien lifted Worthington over his head and brought him down hard over the railing. Hearing Worthington’s screech as a couple ribs likely snapped.

Well done. Deragan sighed in relief. Watching Nora vanish through the door.

Lucien on her heels to yank the curtain from her path. Holding it open as he bowed.

She faced him. “Thank you.” She whispered brokenly.

“It appeared to me, Miss, you had things in hand.”

She very nearly had to, as long as you took! Deragan growled in his throat.

She threw a dark look over her shoulder at Worthington who was on his knees gasping for air. When his head whipped to look at her, his eyes were orange laced in red. His face revealed his rage.

Every ounce of fake charm gone. Deragan noted.

Nora clutched her broken strap and fled inside.

Find your friends. Deragan willed her.

Lucien winced and turned to the hazy outline behind him. “I-“

“Don’t.” He put up a staying hand.

“It won’t happen again. Radix-“

“Isn’t here. She was!” He gestured.


“Not now. Let me cool.”

Lucien nodded his head in assent and backed from Deragan’s path.

Worthington climbed to his feet like a new baby deer. Legs shaking as he headed for the balcony door.

Lucien slapped a palm to his chest to stop him in his tracks. Giving him a dark look.

The boy nearly whimpered as he eyed Lucien fearfully.

“Test me again, Boy.” Lucien’s chin hitched. Looking very ominous with the scar cutting down his darkly tanned face.

Worthington’s eyes flickered orange as he tried to muster some courage.

But Lucien’s burned to yellow, the pupil narrowing to slit as he stared down his nose haughtily.

Worthington’s face turned to shock. “You’re one of them.

“You should worry less about what I am then what I’ll do to you if I catch you near that girl again.” Lucien gave him a long look. As he turned away he reached back to swat the boy in the stomach, knowing well it’d dislodge those broken ribs.

Worthington gasped and dropped back to his knees.

Lucien laughed coldly and tossed the curtain aside to re-enter the ballroom. Much to Brandie Worthington’s delight.

Her saw her eyes light on him and groaned aloud.

The night only just got better…

Nora had emerged into the light of the Ballroom and beelined for Meralee laughing with Anna.

Unaware Lucien wasn’t far behind.

At Nora’s approach, the brunette whipped around to face her. And for a heartbeat, Lucien would have sworn Meralee’s eyes were cloud white.

The question already on Mera’s lips without Nora saying a word. “He cornered you?”

“I-I can’t-I don’t. I have to go!” Nora fled for the front door.

Worthington caught the movement and lunged after her.

Lucien watched in disbelief. The little shit either has giant balls or not a lick of sense. Lucien was leaning toward the absence of sense.

Deragan materialized before Lucien as a hazy spirit, whispering, “Stop him!”

“I was already heading that way.”

Lucien’s long strides caught up to the shorter man and stepped into his path again. “Boy…” He warned.

Back in Phalanx Forest, Deragan blew out a breath that crystallized in the cold night air. Slowly lifting his silver and black furred body from the soaked grass. Huffing as his body adjusted to returning.

Lucien won’t let her out of his sight again. Deragan’s heart wrapped in his chest at the close call. I could wring his neck!

What’s wrong with him? Deragan knew he was unreasonably mad. He tried to summon his usual calm demeanor but it was a struggle. His body still surged from the terror of thinking he may lose her again. So soon.

Closing his eyes, he calmed himself and checked back into the Ballroom. It was calm. No panic, no restlessness, no terror. She’s alright.

She’ll be heading home. Where she’ll be safe. Deragan relaxed. Stepping forward on large silver paws.

Pushing angry thoughts aside, he wove deeper into the trees. Seeking the scent of prey. The trees were sparser in this series of wood then some. Such as the Warwood or Merwood. Where groves could get so tight one almost had to climb the trees to move.

Something to eat will help calm my nerves. He lowered his snout again to track.

Only when deep in the woods, and taking a soothing swill from the creek, did he catch a whiff of that old familiar stench wafting from the manor. Turning quickly, he surged back that direction.

Fearing he’d be too late when he got there. Not again.

Just once, let me get to her in time! He prayed.

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