FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter DERAGAN - Hunted by a Widow

Meadowbrook, Grier Country (The fallen found for four years)


Anna Valentine was aflutter. “He’s here. He came.” She squealed. As a footman handed Nora and Meralee down onto the stone walkway encircling the expansive gardens where the luncheon was well underway.

Nora asked ‘who’, despite the emphatic shaking of Mera’s head.

“Black!” She pointed.

Deragan sat casually on a stone bench, ankles and arms crossed with a hand resting over the other elbow as he balanced a glass of wine. Surveying the crowd. Hearing his name, he focused on their conversation.

“Can’t you feel his aura of power?” Anna whispered behind a hand. “He’s positively untamed.”

“Mayhap you shouldn’t move.” Mera caught Nora’s elbow as she started toward him. “If you’re very still, perhaps you won’t fall over yourself.”

Nora gave her a withering look. “I should’ve never told you I tripped.”

Meralee gave her a bright smile. Brown eyes glittering.

Deragan saw Nora’s assessing gaze run over him.

He was built well. Broad and slim. Currently disguising his black hair as dark brown and deep blue eyes dulled to a more common shade of blue. He’d dimmed down the intensity of his square features to make him more approachable. Adding a few pock marks.

To look plain.

“Strange.” Nora murmured.

“What?” Anna leaned forward looking from Nora to Black.

“I swore the other day his eyes were different.”

Dammit. He looked at his hands.

“Eyes? You’re worried about his eyes! Look at him. He’s a fine specimen.” Anna sighed. “And to think, he never leaves his country home other than a rare gathering...Like mine!”

I came for Nora. He groaned inwardly. Working to not look back at them.

“He’s fresh meat to you.” Mera snorted.

Fresh meat? He tried to hide that he’d reared back.

“That seems a rather exacting thing to say, Meralee.” Anna defended, wounded.

Mera’s face softened. “Sorry Anna.” She eyed the redhead. “I’m in a particularly foul mood.”

“Notable.” Anna nodded. “I prefer the term ‘likely suitor’ to fresh meat, anyhow.” She watched him rise from the bench in a smooth motion and head for the table laden with refreshments.

“You have pursued most of the bachelors of Meadowbrook.” Nora added gently.

While one looks at me like I’m dinner the one I wish would look, concentrates hard on not glancing over again. He sighed.

“Only because they’ve not the good sense to pursue me!” Anna shot out. “And strictly only those you or Mera showed no interest in.” She added. “You know how I feel about lady’s honor.”

“There’s no such thing as ‘lady’s honor’!” Meralee shouted.

“You are in a nasty mood. Even for you.” Nora chided.

“Not sleeping well.” Mera muttered sullenly evading Nora’s look.

“Come on Mera.” Nora urged her to the snack table. “Save your meanness for the gentlemen. There’s bound to be a few here you can crush with that withering look of yours.”

More than a few.

Mera straightened with interest. “Food does make me feel better.” She grudgingly admitted. “Sorry Anna.” She tossed over her shoulder.

“It’s okay Meralee.” Anna brightened.

Nora watched her feet carefully as they approached, hoping they’d not betray her. But inadvertently walked into the table, jostling it enough he had to jump to keep from being sloshed by the punch bowl.

Cringing, she stepped to hide behind Mera.

“What’s wrong with you?” Mera asked over her shoulder.

His gaze was steady on her. “He’s staring at me, isn’t he? I can literally feel it.”

“Um…Yes, he is.”

Nora slid sideways, stepping from her friends. Face hot she plucked lint off her shirt before finally peering at him. “I-I apologize Lord Black. I-I t-tripped.”

You’re beautiful. He worked to hide the shadow of his dimples looking at her.

“Try and look casual.” Mera whispered sideways.

No, please don’t. Seeing you so flustered is adorable.

“Quite alright.” He lowered his head, gaze steady on her.

Nora ducked her head to murmur to Mera. “Hard to do as my hands tremble.”

Relief flooded through Deragan at her breathy divulgence. I affect her.

“You find him as irresistible as Anna does?” Mera’s brows lifted

“No!” She cleared her throat. “No.” She reassured.

Anna looked disgruntled.

Nora focused on a tiny trencher she collected to fill with meat and cheese.

Anna skirted them both to try and strike up a conversation with him.

Leaning against the table and crossing his arms over his chest, he gave Anna monosyllabic answers. Refusing to look at her, despite her mounting frustration.

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