FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Deiti Uses Chavias' Power

Who? He dismissed the thought. Focusing.

“Who?” Deragan asked.

“The Protector.” Her eyes flitted to Deragan, “And you’re the beautiful Captain.” Before her study irrevocably returned to Bast.

She knows us?

“We are.” Deragan nodded slowly. “Who are you?”

“I-I shouldn’t…” Lips whitening she shook her head.

Talk to us, Little One. Bast willed.

“It’s alright. Come here.” Bast beckoned her with a wave of his tan, long-fingered hand. Offering for her to step closer. “We don’t want to fight you.”

Hear me. Listen to me.

Concentrate on my voice.

“But I-I.” Her face turned sad.

“You’ve done no wrong yet.” Bast gave her a permeating look that had her melting.


I’ve already peered into your mind.

“We can see it.” Deragan said slowly staring at her face in shock.

Awestruck by her resemblance to his mate, no doubt.

“You don’t have to-” Deragan shook his head in understanding.

Be what Radix has told you to be. Bast knew what the Captain tried to say.

“But I have no-no one…I’m alone but for him.”


She nodded. Splayed wings reaching to touch branches high in the trees. Making her an imposing sight in the woods even as she looked at them shyly.

“You’re not alone now.” Bast enticed.

“But you’re cruel. You hurt people. You almost hurt Deiti!” She cried.

Don’t believe what Radix tells you.

“She was going to hurt us!” Deragan countered.

“We want to help you.” Bast said persuasively. “Come. Take my hand. You’ll feel me. You’ll know what I am. Good or evil.”

She eyed it a long moment before slowly lifting her hand and putting it in his.

“Good girl.” He said, closing his eyes. He opened his guards to let her reach into him.

Feel my mind and heart.

Feel my mind and heart.

She drew a shaking breath. “You’re filled with-with-”

“I’m not evil.” He pledged.

“I see now.”

“What’s your name?” He asked.


“Dorena, will you come with me?” He asked, still gripping her hand but not pulling.

“Yes.” She nodded stepping toward him, in assent that she’d follow.

Bast kept Dorena in her trancelike state as he led her into WaterRose. She blinked at him steadily. Still trailing his step, mesmerized as he lured her into the castle. Good. Follow me.

Once there he explained what the castle was. Telling her, “You’ll be safe. Radix can’t find you here.”

“I can’t ever escape him.” She’d murmured. Light blue eyes darkening in fear.

“You already have.” Bast reassured. “But I do need you to do something for me.”


“Do you see her?” He pointed above his head at Elsabet peering from the window slit. He didn’t need to look to know his valkyrie watched them keenly.

And I know what she’s thinking.


“She’ll hate you. I need you to stay with my friends until such a time it’s safe for you to be about. Will you still stay?” He asked. Knowing she’d be restricted to the servant’s quarters of the house with Elengard.

Probably feeling very much like a prisoner. He was still willing to return her to Grier if she changed her mind now. But he hoped very much she’d choose to stay.

“Radix can’t find me here?” She asked tentatively.

“He can’t get to you. Can’t see you. You’re safe. Truly.”

The water hides you from his all-seeing eyes. Trust me and I’ll show you. He willed her.

“But the power…” She murmured.

She fears her addiction to what he’d fed her.

“I can help. But it’s going to hurt.”

She swallowed. Throat working anxiously. After a long moment she looked to her hand in his, then back at his face.

“Okay...” She said meekly.

“You’ll let me help?”

She nodded more confidently this time. “Yes.”

“Good, Girl.” He drew her up the stairs and beyond the doors of WaterRose. Unsurprised to spot Elsabet peering over the railing from the Second Level. Watching them cross the black and white marbled foyer.

He put a hand to the back of Dorena’s shoulders as he guided her toward the Library. Hearing Elsabet hissing from the next floor, he realized what an insult to her it’d be to take this stranger into her sanctuary.

A place where she and I were intimate. Without looking up at the beautiful blonde hanging over the railing, he turned Dorena.

Let’s take you somewhere else.

She’s right to be offended by you going in there.

“Where?” Dorena watched their direction change in confusion.

Anywhere but there.

“The Parlor.” He pointed. “Perhaps more comfortable.” He cleared his throat on the lie, as he guided Dorena in. Leading her to the settee.

“Elengard!” He called.

The blonde elf materialized. Hands crossed demurely before her.

As always.

“Yes, My Lord?” She asked.

“Please help Dorena. This won’t be an easy stay for her.”

It’s going to be very painful at first. As the toxins work their way out.

Elengard sniffed and her nose wrinkled. “Cimmerii?”

For now.

“Yes.” He said. “But we’re going to help her.”

“Yes, My Lord.” Elengard lowered her blonde head in deference.

Bless you for your willingness to trust me. He nodded to the elf woman.

“Please get her some warm bread and fresh cheese so she and I may speak.”

“Very good.” Elengard lowered her head and backed from the room.

Bast felt Elsabet’s irritation as she paced her chamber above the foyer.

It’s not what you think. But convincing her of that was going to be quite another matter.

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