FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Captain's wisdom

“Do not!” She shoved against his chest trying to get away.

“I’m weary of your games, Elsabet.”

“My games!” She spat in outrage. “I’m surrounded by men in this castle.” She poked him in the chest. “Handsome ones. Gentlemanly ones. Hell, even Rhyers is more gentleman than you and I didn’t used to like him! But it hasn’t been I with my arms tangled around one of them.”

“You mistake me!” He hit the wall next to her. Making her wince.

He was instantly contrite. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to scare you.” His whipcord arms relaxed, though he didn’t let them fall. “I need you to listen to me. Very carefully.”

Elsabet wetted her lips as she looked at him nervously. Awaiting what he’d say.

“I’ve no interest in any other woman. Dorena has been here to recover.”

“Was she recovering in your arms?”

“No!” He expostulated. Despite his recent promise to himself he’d calm. “Dorena!” He barked.

The other woman materialized outside the Parlor. Step faltering. “Have I done anything ontoward?”

“No.” She murmured. Eyes falling to the floor.

“Said anything inappropriate?”


There you have it! From another’s lips.

Elsabet gnawed her lip. Eyes sparking with impatience.

Or annoyance at Dorena’s presence, perhaps.

“Why was I hugging you?” His jaw ticked as his eyes were riveted on Elsabet.

“Because you were telling me goodbye.” Her voice broke.

“Why?” Elsabet blurted to the other woman. Head turned to study her.

Bast chose to let Dorena answer. Looking over his shoulder waiting as well. “Because he was telling me to go.”

Elsabet’s eyes snapped back to him.

“Now,” His arms fell. “Will you return to me?”

“You mean to your bed?” She snapped. Stomping a furious foot.

“Of course I do! Yes!” He roared with a broad gesture. “And to dinners! And breakfasts! And reading in the library and occasionally sharing a drink of my sherry!” He expostulated. “I mean everywhere.”

Elsabet’s back slid sideways along the wall. Hands fluttering between she and Bast as if to ward off his words.

She wants to escape. Now I’m pushing her nearly too far.

She’s going to panic.

He watched her hungrily as she skid along the wall past him, swinging around the bannister to flee upstairs. “Run, Little Harpie, run!” He shouted almost bitterly this time. “You’ll never be fast enough!”

Elsabet tried though. She hit the hall as fast as she could go. Only jerking to a stop when she heard Bast’s fist crashing through the wood wall beneath the stairs. Retracing a few steps to peer around the wall down to the foyer.

“Why?” Dorena crouched next to him as he slid down the wall. Running a hand through his untethered hair.

“Why what?” He asked morosely.

“Why do you so badly want a woman that doesn’t want you?”

“I don’t know.” His head fell to his hands.

Elsabet backed from the edge of the wall and turned. Meeting the unblinking blue eyes of the man Bast called ‘Captain.’

“It should be you down there.” Deragan said in his characteristic calm tone. No chiding, no emotion. As if it was simple fact. He was intimidating in his silent presence.


“Because a woman should comfort her man.”

“He’s not mine!” She said. Not for the first time.

“Tell yourself what you wish. But do you think it is that woman he yearns to have down there next to him?”

She blinked at him.

“Let me tell you a secret,” Deragan offered.

Elsabet turned her head slightly to give his quiet voice her ear.

“Bast is rarely so emotional. And only ever,” He lifted a finger for emphasis, “over someone he loves.”

“He does not love me.” She said flatly. “I’m his captive.”

“How many captives do you think he’s brought into our stronghold?” His hand lowered.

Elsabet’s lips tightened.

“One. One, I’ve told him many times to set free. But that man,” Deragan gestured to the lower level. “Whose never disobeyed me in all the years I’ve known him, a soldier to the core, who obeys my every command. Cannot, for the sake of keeping you, obey me in this.”

“Will you punish him?”

“For loving you?” Deragan’s blue eyes flashed in the dark. Showing her question annoyed him.

“You’re all on his side! Trying to get him what he wants!”

“That’s probably true.” Deragan admitted. “But fortunately, that means we’re on your side too. Because you want him every bit as much.” Deragan said. No accusation. Tone flat. Outlining realities.

Her face scrunched in dislike.

“Do you know what he was telling her in the Parlor?”

“No.” Her face changed to curiosity. Aware these knights heard far better than she.

“He told her to go, as she said. Because he wants you. But he was also telling her any woman among us, is part of our family as much as the other Knights.”

“What do you mean?” Elsabet stepped further from him.

“I’m warning you that you’re now our family too. Unfortunately for you, it means the others will become increasingly more comfortable with you.”

“Are you speaking for Lucien who likes to lock my chamber door whilst I sleep?”

“I’m speaking for all of us.” He refused her bait. “That comfort will mean they’ll speak more freely. And voice their dissension that you cause him suffering more repetitively.”

“Why does everyone care so much about his suffering!” She tossed her arms. Heedless of the fact that Sebastian now assuredly, heard every word.

“Because he cares about everyone else’s.”

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