FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Assassin Killing is an Ugly Thing

It’s not completely a lie. I do guard them.

But it’s not why you wear the armor. A little voice niggled.

“City Armor?” She harrumphed. “I thought theirs was not so dense.” Her voice drew him back. Returning to the prior topic despite his hope for evasion. “You think I don’t notice how odd you behave when I speak of him?”


I hate him.

“I don’t know how you’d observe that since I hardly see you anymore.” Bitterness tinged his voice.

“Do you resent Dear Charles?”

“Dear Charles?” He expostulated.

She blushed and ducked her head. “He is rather nice, Alazareth. You should come meet him. He’s not as bad as you seem to think.”

“I don’t think it’d do anyone good for me to meet him.”

Alazar’s jaw began to ache and he realized he gritted his teeth at the mention of the man. His words are always in her ear.

“He’s a good man, Alazar.”

No, he’s not. Alazar had no way to tell her. I’ve heard how he talks to you. Treats you.

“How did you do it?” She distracted him.


“Death Dealer.”

“How’d I kill him?” His brows drew together. “You wish to know?”

“You’re quite impressive when you fight. I’ve never seen anyone so lethal.” Her eyes reflected the green luminescence before her. The lights playing over her face. Making her gold hair almost silver in the night air.

“Riaura…” He chastised.

You don’t want to hear that.

She stood and he realized she wore only the barest nightdress with gold trimmed green wrap slung over it. Buttoned down the front but baring a large expanse of leg with that split. She walked to him and stuck out the leg. Taking one of his hands she pulled it toward her to inspect it before guiding to that soft leg.

His hand slid the smooth length. Making him moan in his throat.

She swept it up and held it between hers. “Tell me?”

You’re trying to seduce me? His eyes roved her face. Brows descending.

Why would you want to hear such things? For the first time he feared perhaps Marod had influenced her more than he’d thought.

He blinked blearily. Gnawing his cheek as he eyed her fine boned features. High cheekbones. Delicate jaw and beckoning lips. Dark blonde brows adorned fine brow bones.

Too pretty to want to hear things so ugly.

But he sighed. Relenting. As I usually do. She makes me weak.

“I sat at his fire. We talked awhile and he offered me his dinner. I told him no. He asked if I was there to kill him. I told him yes. He asked why and I told him it was because of a woman. He only looked at me. And when he drew his sword, I cut him down with mine.”

“Were you hurt?” Her eyes roved his face. She reached up and gently caressed his cheek. He tucked his face into her palm.

“Of course not.”

“You truly are remarkable.”

“Why did you ask me about killing him?”

“I wondered if you did it as a wolf”

“Rarely.” He murmured. “I believe in killing a man with honor. Face to face.”

She nodded solemnly. “You’re a good man.” She ran her hand along the collar of his tunic until her arms wrapped his neck. She leaned her ample breasts against him. “Hold me?”

He nodded, desperately assessing. her features. Like it might be his last chance.

What if she never comes back?

What if that was all she wanted me for? A killer.

Not her. Instantly he saw flashes of her happily tossing rocks over the wake. Her laughter filling the air. She’s not so wicked. It’s not in her.

She’s too good.

Despite all of Danbury’s urgings for Riaura to stay away from Alazareth she returned to him day after day near the Wake.

“Riaura we must speak of the day that Rebel tried to kill you.”

She sighed. Rolling from his bare chest and using his tunic to cover her against the early morning chill. The dirty moss of the forest floor didn’t seem to faze her. She was comfortable in her bare skin. He realized more every day that she’d grown into a mature woman with her own wants. One confident enough to rule a realm.

“Why do you always wish to dictate to me Alazar?” She groaned. Throwing her forearm over her eyes against the early sun streaming in through the leafy canopy.

“I’m not trying to ruin the moment.”

“But you are…” She grumbled.

“Why do you think he tried to kill you?” He rolled to his side, propping his head on his palm. For weeks now he felt as though she were his again. Despite all of Danbury’s objections she came to see him often.

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