FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter RHYERS - What Ebony Can Do

InnerCircle City, Mane Country


Rhyers took the Inner Forestway path toward InnerCircle City. Heading for a visit with Samuel Marshall. He took his light carriage today, adorned with Rhyers’ coat of arms. Something I created. If something is around long enough, people just believe it. His thoughts roamed as he flicked the reins to pace the horses.

He’d opted to drive himself as was his wont. Frowning skyward as he noticed clouds descending. The sun’s light fading oddly.

Like it’s much later than afternoon. The closer he got to Marshall Manse the darker it became. Heavy gray clouds were too silent to threaten a storm. Imposingly poised over the Manse as, Rhyers’ rounded the bend and the structure came into view.

Immediately he caught an unnerving stench. Stomach sinking. Cimmerii.

He glimpsed Ebony standing very still on the lawn outside. Eerily still. As she gazed at something across the expanse of grass.

Rhyers dropped from the carriage a distance away and padded to the lawn to get a look at what she watched so riveted.

As he eased around the green border, he caught the flash of blinking orange eyes from a thick flowered bush aside the house, near the apple grove. A Noni.

Ebony was still, returning its unblinking stare intently.

What’s she doing? But her lack of movement triggered it to remain as still as she.

It’s going to attack her. He knew from the intensity of its stare.

Rhyers was careful not to disturb either of them, watching carefully as he circled to where the walk wound just past that bush.

“Ebony!” He called inordinately loudly. Waving. “Where’s your brother today?” He clumsily walked too close to the bushes. Jostling into the side of it. Crashing into branches as he went by.

He heard the scuttle of something fleeing and saw Ebony’s posture ease.

Suddenly the lawn lit as clouds moved to give the sun’s glow to the manse. The whole country around them brightened. The heavy tension alleviated.

“Bodin!” Her round face burst into a wide grin.

“What were you doing?” He asked.

“I don’t know…” She blinked slowly. “I was-I-I…” She shrugged.

Turning to skip toward the house.

“Ah! I forgot my overcoat.” He called to her. “I’ll be right behind you.”

“Okay, Bodin!”

He crouched behind a bush, yanking off his boots and bolted into a lunge. Snarling as he ran barefoot. Spotting tracks as he lowered, torso parallel the ground to see each step. Looking up he trailed its expected course. Catching the evidence of his accuracy. A scratched tree, broken bushes, a muddy track…

Within moments he caught up to the flicking tail vanishing into underbrush. Hopping, he caught it in a fist.

The flap on its stomach peeled open as it shrieked. The sound echoing through deeper trees. It tried to round and bite his fist but was unable to extend far enough along it’s long tail to reach him.

Dragging it out, he bit into it. Teeth narrowing to pointed tips. Wolf canines piercing the Noni’s spine.

He spit the bit of black meat to the side. Tastes like rot. Disgusted he turned. Wiping his palm along the length of his tongue to get rid of the horrendous taste.

“Rhyers.” He heard Sam call.

He returned to the flower bush to pull on his boots before stepping onto the walk.

“Rhyers.” Sam’s eyes fell. “Your pants are muddied.” He tilted his head to assess his friend perceptively.

Rhyers gave him a long look. They were here.

Sam nodded understanding. Rounding to go back inside he called. “Ebony!”

“Yes, Sam?” She skid into the foyer.

“I don’t want you playing outside without your maid.”

It’s not safe.

“Okay, Sam.”

“No, fight?” He asked suspiciously.

“No…” She stared at the floor thoughtfully. “I’d thought it’d be wise in future.”

Good, girl.

Rhyers’ past her heading for the study.

She frowned at him as he walked by. The smile gone now that the strange events were over.

I’m not a boy-lover. He glowered at Sam’s tense back. Your fault.

He’d told Sam to fix it and Sam swore he’d told Ebony he was just jesting but now she was convinced.

Perfect. Rhyers winced. I don’t lie with men.

The thought is abhorrent.

He tossed Ebony a sideways glance. Bigger things to worry about right now, I suppose.

They’re after you again…We have to work out why.

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