FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter Come Out and Talk

“What does tha’ mean?”

You’ll lie with anything.

“It means I’ve seen you take some fair awful looking women to chamber after a drink.”

“Twas more than one drink.” Mardichi defended. “I get lonely.”

No one is that lonely.

“You get bored.” Alazareth corrected.

“Tha’ as well.” He shrugged. “But not these days. I’ve found no woman afore been a match for what I’ve found in me lovely maid’s bed.” He growled appreciatively.

“No.” Alazareth lifted a staying finger. “Whatever you’re thinking, do not say aloud.”

“But it’s-”

“No! Nay. No.”

“Fine.” He stepped next to Alazareth to look down on the bailey. “But we digress. Yer wee lass will be fine. She’ll come ’round to see ye soon. Lasses of no age have been able to resist yer eerie calmness or boyish face.” Mardichi lightly punched Alazareth across his jaw.

Alazareth spun on him with a snarl. Trying to catch Mardichi by the neck. But Mardichi was too tall and backed too quickly. Sending Alazareth chasing him deeper into trees, recent mishap momentarily forgotten. Alazareth attempted to beat his huge friend into silence.

Mardichi blocked his face and laughingly danced from reach. Eventually unfolding to grab Alazar in a crushing hug. Pinning his arms to his side while he struggled.

“Shouldn’t you be hunting in Mane Country?” Alazareth grunted as they wrestled.

“Why does everyone ask me tha’?”

It was a long fortnight before Riaura hesitantly returned. “Alazareth?”

He tried not to rush to her too quickly. Don’t scare her. He told himself.

“Are you out here?”

“I am.” He called back from the darkest part of the trees, twisting to peer around the trunk his back was pressed against.

Her gold hair splayed around her fearful face.

She’s afraid of me. That made his chest tight. Sickening him.

“Why are you hiding?”

I’m not sure what you want to discuss yet?

And if I’m going to be willing to listen.

“I’m waiting to see what you’ve come to say.”

“What do you mean, Alazareth?”

“I don’t wish to see fear in your eyes.”

“I’m not afraid. Only…confused.”

What do I say to that?

“What are you?”

There’s no description for us that’d make sense to you. We’re Forever Knights.

“Something else.”

“A Dread?” She asked.

He knew her definition was something to be feared. Someone wielding dark magic. Someone who’d willfully harm another.

Like her stepmother. Like Radix’s minions.

“No. I’m not.”

I’m nothing like that.

“Then what?”

“Hard to explain.” He said quietly.

Damn near impossible.

“Come out and talk to me, Alazar.”

Sighing, his shoulders slumped as he eased from around a wide tree.

“You look so sad…” She took a hesitant step. Hands moving as though to reach up to him.

“It’d be hard on me to see you fearing me.”

“I don’t.” She shook her head adamantly. “I’m merely confused. Mother would say you’re a Dread.”

“She’d be wrong.”

“But how could I argue when I know not what you are?”

“Tell her I’m your friend.”

She doesn’t need to know anything else.

“I do.” She beamed. “I tell everyone you’re my friend!”

He was taken aback. “You do?”

“Of course!” She smiled at him. “You’re the only one I have.”

“Well…thank you.” He wandered to take a seat near the pond. Knowing she’d sit next to him. When she did, he handed her a flat rock.

Her favorite kind.

She ran her thumb over it thoughtfully. “Will you tell me someday?”

“What?” He asked.

“What you are.”

When it’s safe.

“I will try. If we’re still friends.”

“We will always be friends.”

He sputtered. Watching her profile a moment. I truly hope she doesn’t change.

An image flashed before his eyes of Marod striking her and his gut tightened. “You’re very kind Riaura. Please don’t lose that.”

She shot him a look. “I’ll always be me.”

“Most people lose many fine qualities as they mature.”

“I won’t.”

“I hope you don’t.” He sighed. “It’d be sad to see your kind heart wane.” He began to walk off.



“I’ll ask you again. Would you wed me one day?”

Never. He grimaced. Shaking his head adamantly.

Sputtering as he searched for words. “Riaura. I’m not for you! Some fine lad somewhere deserves to be king aside you ruling your realm.”

Some man finer in spirit then I. Someone who won’t outlive you.

Her chin hitched at that. “You think I’ll let a man rule me?”

Where did that come from?

“That’s not what I said.” He gave her a sideways study, warning her not to pursue that trek.

“No man will rule me!”


But she turned. Stomping away. Green riding habit vanishing between the tree trunks.

What have I done now?

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