FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter Bishop Twins Mind Their Own

William’s gaze narrowed on a point beyond Marcus’ shoulder.

Curious as to what could possibly be more aggravating to William, than himself, Marcus turned. His own smile withered into a black scowl.

Simon Worthington and Ronald Turner stood in the doorway. Turner as short, stalky and red as Worthington was tall, slender and blonde.

The tutoring room subsided into awed silence as the two men joined the tutor at her desk. And suddenly the glowering face of Ms. Jameson was all smiles.

“I can’t stand him.” William grated out.

“Me either.” Marcus assented.

“If he doesn’t leave Nora alone I’m-”

“I’m with you, brother.” Marcus cut in.

Standing simultaneously, they headed out the door, while the tutor was distracted. Absorbed with Simon Worthington’s wealthy charm.

As expected, Turner watched them like an owl studying mice.

Peering around the doorframe, Marcus saw Turner lean up to whisper to Worthington.

Reluctantly bidding the tutor farewell, Worthington readjusted a few things on her desk as he whispered for her ears alone. Earning him a soft smile.

Turner and Worthington entered the corridor of the arts hall and came face-to-face with the twins. Worthington eyed them.

“Skinny wretches. You don’t look much.”

But Marcus and William Bishop were known brawlers. Evidenced in how they stared back. Unfazed by his insults.

“So... you two are inseparable?” Worthington smirked. “How adorable.”

Giving a mocking coo, Turner added. “That is adorable.”

“Rumor is it’s because nobody else can stand him.” Worthington nodded toward William who turned a purple hue. A ripple of rage rolled off the boys as they stared at his taller frame.

“I don’t think they’re afraid of you.” Turner gave a sideways whisper.

“Yet…But I’ll change that.”

Grabbing the skinnier of the two, Worthington yanked him close. “How about you boys learn a little respect, eh?”

In Worthington’s grip Marcus snorted. “Doubt that. I’ve had more thrashings then I can count.” He shrugged. “Never did learn a damn thing...”

“It’s true.” William grudgingly said. “He’s too thick-skulled to learn. I know from experience.”

“I don’t care.” Worthington enunciated each word. “My business is mine. You riffraff mind your own.”

Teeth gnashing, William snapped. “Minding our own is exactly what we do. Our brother brought us up rough. Looking after our sisters and little brother is what we’re good at.”

Turner feigned a sniffle. “Oh…Do let me play the violin.” He pretended to strum an instrument.

Marcus smiled. “Shouldn’t have done that. William hates that.” He barely got the words out. William struck Turner solidly.

Surprised, Worthington released Marcus who stepped to the side.

To his credit, the stalky redhead looked startled but didn’t drop.

Even William gave an impressed nod.

Rubbing his shoulder, Turner lined up William. But before he could swing, William hit him again. Shaking his head like an injured animal, Turner didn’t hesitate the second time. Coming back swinging.

William agilely ducked, turned and caught Turner on the other side of the jaw.

Watching with a bored look Worthington moved to assist. “You penniless urchins don’t seem to know your place.” A hand to his chest made him sneer down at Marcus.

“As much as I’d love to watch your entire entourage beat him bloody. It’s dishonorable to jump in on a little one-on-one, don’t you think? Besides…He’s hoping for a piece of your jaw next.”

“He can have a piece of me now.” Worthington smirked, jerking forward.

Marcus stepped in-front of him. “As I said, you’re without honor. Or did you miss that?”

Cocking his head Worthington eyed the skinny boy, his junior. “Your begging to seek some tending? Fearless as you may be, you’ll find yourself crawling home.”

Swinging wildly, Turner couldn’t seem to get a hit in. Sidestepping him yet again, William delivered an elbow between Turner’s shoulder blades.

Turner lurched forward before recovering quickly and spinning on William. Finally landing a hard hit to William’s temple as he tried to dodge it.

William’s teeth clattered together.

Marcus grimaced.

Roughly shaking his head, William rejoined the fight.

Worthington pulled back to hit Marcus, when Ms. Jameson skid around the corner. Shouting hysterically for Turner and William to cease, she passed Worthington to pull the other two apart. Ordering William to the Headmistress’s Office, she told Worthington it would be best if he and Turner left.

Staring at her coldly, he nodded. Tossing a meaningful look at Marcus, who smiled unabashedly, Worthington strolled out the doors. Catching Turner’s collar on the way by, he drug the shorter man behind.

“Safe travels.” Marcus called, offering a mocking little wave.

Worthington tossed a dark look over his shoulder.

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