FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter Bast and I Find Cimmerii Deep in Meadowbrook

He’d been watching over me while I slept.

And likely over her when he was out.

Thanks for keeping watch. How long?”

You slept three days. Must’ve needed it.” Bast shrugged.

Too long. Deragan thought. Days missed he could’ve been watching over her.

Not good.”

I was here.” Bast reassured. “Long as you need.”

They exchanged a look.

“Are you avoiding WaterRose?” Deragan cut to the heart of the matter in his typical way.

Bast winced. Revealing the truth. Going hunting?” He changed the subject as he twisted to cross his arms over the back of the couch. Propping his chin on a fist.

Deragan grunted.Of course. But whatever you’re avoiding her for, won’t change by the time you return.”

Bast looked pained. Working hard to evade the subject. Can I come?” He asked hopefully.

“Keep up.” Deragan headed for the door gesturing for him to follow.

“You mean don’t leave you behind?” Jogging past Deragan, and out the door, Bast hopped off the steps and danced backward to taunt his captain.

Pausing in the doorway Deragan shook his head and shoulders. Waking his animal senses, he tuned his hearing over the distance and caught animal sounds scuffling down the block stirring through grass.

Stepping outside he shielded his eyes against the sun’s piercing glare. A glance overhead had clouds moving to form a barrier. Dense fog lowered to conceal his movements. Leaping from his doorway he crossed the lawns. Ignoring Bast’s shout that he cheated, he crossed the road and headed for the grove.

Within the shade of the trees, he felt an immediate surge. Energy.

Lunging into the air he shifted, landing as the wolf. Behind him he heard the pad of paws. Glancing back, he met the yellow-eyed stare of the panther.

Changing shape was a muscle. The more often it was flexed the smoother it happened.

Bast changes more often. He could admit the other man was better at it. I’m getting there again. It hurts less.

As they traipsed toward the leafy cover of Gunnison Forest, Deragan’s thoughts were consumed with the image of pain-filled blue eyes glossing with death's haze on a bloodied battlefield. Her fingers still outstretched as though reaching for him.

He remembered collapsing next to her. Holding her and willing her to live as she faded away. Yet again.

Too many times I've done it. Watched her go while I held her. Seeing the light fade from her eyes.

As they ducked a few branches and batted leaves aside to enter past the exterior lining of the forest they began to pay attention. Here in Gunnison the trees were known for their towering height and their triangular shaped leaves which tended to shower over one as they walked below them. Dense bushes gathered beneath the trees making some directions impassable.

Deragan slowed his step so he could better hear movements further back in the shrubbery.

Listening attentively, he caught the nervous chirp of a bird as it flew from the underbrush. Despite jumping immediately, the bird was already higher than he could reach. Sending wings jutting through his fur he gave two quick flaps and his teeth clamped around the bird. Wings curling back, he landed.

A quick kill.

Bast turned human and stood. “That one didn’t count. You startled it!”

Deragan paused to savor his reward.

Bast glowered.

Rustling behind made them whip around in time to catch a flash of black, disappearing behind trees.

Only one thing is stupid enough to hunt us. Dropping the bird, Deragan turned human and faced his friend.

Cimmerii.” Bast sighed, shoulders falling and his good humor with it.

If they’re following me, they know who she is.” Deragan swore.

If they didn’t know we were here for her before, they do now.” Sebastian agreed disheartened.

The clock had begun ticking.

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