FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter ACHARIUS - Run to Him!

Merwood, Dread Hideout


Chastain diligently combed the woods for Acharius. Every morning she walked, clutching a little candle, searching. Since the last time Mags met me at the gate.

The sisters had told him she’d been behaving oddly since then.

The sun didn’t yet peer over the horizon. The Northern Netherwood still shrouded in night.

She’s terrified.

Her nerves fractured. She lifted her candle higher. Every crackle in the grass had her jumping.

She slid a tiny jeweled dagger out of her bodice, gripping it in a tight fist. She clutched it close to her chest, hoping to hide it in the mass of her hair.

Where’d she even get such a thing?

She wandered near the dark shine of the pond, Merlin’s Sepulcher. A toad croaked nearby. Objecting to her presence. Lilypads scattered the surface in dark blotches. Dangling with bits of moss. She held her candle higher and saw she was completely surrounded by pink flowers. Rare ones only blossoming on occasion. Their petals whispering as they peeled open. She turned and found them in every direction.

You’re doing it. Acharius knew.

In the distance a black creature covered in bark-fur huffed as it tore through mud. Entering Merwood from the Grier meadow. Splashing apart crevices of water and freeing drops from tall grass as its steps thudded closer. Breaths emerging as hissing, steaming pants. Orange eyes glowing in the dark like lava trimmed in red.

It could smell her. Knew it closed in on her.

Though the little pond was relatively clear water, the dense layer of Lilypads made it hard to see beneath the surface. Moonlight shone off something glinting below.

Leaning forward for a better view, she caught some kind of a jewel winking.

Her foot splashed, and water flooded her slipper. Squeaking she reared back. Unaware she’d drawn so close to the waterline.

Something dark moved the lily pads. Making them swell as it wove under the reflection of moonlight. Stilling below Chastain’s image. The expressionless face of a woman surfaced. Watery white eyes staring unblinkingly at Chastain.

Opening her mouth, the woman screamed one ear-splitting sentence. “Run to him!”

Screaming, Chastain dropped the candle. Before it hit the water, a pale hand shot out and caught it, angling it back up before the flame was doused. That pale hand glistened in the dark, holding it aloft for Chastain to see as she fled.

The woman reached with a desperately outstretched hand. Urging Chastain to go faster. “Run to him.” Erupting from the water in a huff of air and wild splashing. She shouted it louder. “Run to him!”

“Wake up!” A woman’s familiar voice shrieked into Acharius’ nightmare.

Driving him from his sleep. It’s no nightmare. He was impossibly certain.

He heard Chastain’s shrill cry.

Acharius yanked on boots and rushed into the trees shirtless. Long blonde hair still tethered from the night before. He maneuvered through trees. Tilting his head, he caught her scent and twisted toward it.

Don’t let Radix be here! He swallowed convulsively.

Acharius jumped a log and by the time he landed he was the silver and black wolf. The shape he favored for battle.

If he is…I’m already too late. Acharius’ gut tightened. Surely, he wouldn’t have come for her yet. Acharius ran faster. Panting as foliage crunched under his paws. Catching sight of her as she nearly barreled over him.

There you are!

She felt the brush of his fur against her thigh and looked down. The glint of yellow eyes only made her scream louder.

Summoning every Cimmerii within miles.

She launched blindly through the dark.

He unfolded into human form. Willing a fur cloak around him as he took one step after her. Tugging the hood up so part of it wrapped his mouth, hiding his face.

“Chastain! Chastain stop!” His hand caught her arm, dragging her back around to face him.

She looked around desperately. Hands fluttering near her face in panic. Fighting his grip.

“You’re okay.” He forced his voice reassuring. “You’re safe. Tell me. Tell me what it was?” He shook her slightly.

She stared up at his silhouette, unable to make out his features beneath the dark hood. He willed the fog in close, obscuring her vision further.

“In-in the water. A-A w-woman!” She blew a long breath. “Then-then th-there was a wolf. Right there…” She pointed down. Her finger drawing up his length. “Right where…you…are.”

“Who was she?”

“I-I-” She looked over her shoulder. Wild hair tossing. “It might still be after me?”

“It’s not.” He reassured. “Who was she?” He tugged the fur from his mouth, so she could more clearly hear him.

“The woman?” Chastain asked dumbly. Eyes huge with shock.

Acharius blew a calming breath and put both his palms to her temples. Afraid of wasting more time in his need to know what she’d seen.

And how great a threat it is.

Visions washed over him as he saw what she’d seen. A woman was in the water. Large purple-blue eyes hazed in white. Black hair framing her, twining strands dancing in the ripples cradling her face. She stared at Chastain as though waiting.

“Calisto!” He blurted. Blue eyes snapping open.

Where is she?


“Stay here!” He ran far enough from Chastain he could lunge and take the form of the wolf. Tearing through the woods to return to the Lake. Pacing the edge of Merlin’s Sepulcher, he searched for her but saw nothing.

He howled. Hear me Calisto!

Come back. What were you trying to tell her?

No face appeared in the water.

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