FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter ACHARIUS - More Than Spirit

Merwood, Dread Hideout


Acharius tired of sitting at the wooden table, reading by the lone candle’s light. The scrawled manuscripts began to blur. This was just one of many stacked around him. He’d poured through them for days. Trying to find Radix’s newest lair.

Where Chavias might be…

Perhaps killing Radix will sway Chavias from his current hunt.For me. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose to fight an oncoming headache.

Surrendering, he went to do his evening trap check. Eager to stretch his legs in the woods on this overcast day. Glimpsing stray bits of light playing over Merwood. White bursts over the dark tones of grass and trees.

He was so intent on his thoughts he was utterly shocked when he slid on a rock and tripped. Catching his footing by knocking into a bush. Hearing a vicious snap and feeling metal points biting his leg. My trap.

One of his oldest, was now fastened round his leg. Swearing profusely, he reached to rip the rusted metal mouth open so hard he nearly tore it in half. Stepping from it cussing, he eyed blood dumping down his leg. Stunned as it went from a black ooze to deep red.

Looking up, he saw a ripple of color splash over everything like wind blew away the dim tones. Chastain. Where is she?

She’s close if I’m seeing color. He spotted her coming down the trail. The years had turned her to a rosy-cheeked young woman with a swath of rich red hair and vibrant green eyes.

Eyes which now flicked from his wounded leg to his face. While he stood frozen. In too much damn pain to properly retreat.

Composing himself, he reared from sight, ducking behind a tree. The wash of pain running through him superheated his body. Red scales molded up his arms, easing from his pores and rising along his back in a deep ridge.

He sucked in a quick breath.

“I saw you!” She accused. Making him wince. “I saw you bleed. You’re no spirit, no sprite, no Dread. You’re human…” There was blatant shock in her voice. “Who are you?”

He did what seemed the most reasonable…He fled.

Fighting his body changing and dragging a hurt leg, he stumbled over a log and veered around foliage. Tangling in his cloak as he managed to disappear. Swallowed by the woods.

“You let me believe you were something else.”

He was walking outside the fence checking the perimeter when he heard her confrontational tone. He jerked to a stop but knew it was too late.

She heard me out here.

“I am something else.” He grunted.


“I don’t know. We call ourselves Forever Knights. Others have called us the Eternal Guardians or the Forever Knights. We have many names.” His voice rose from over the fence.

Slowly. My leg still isn’t healed. It was getting there but the gouges from stepping in his trap were still deep. Not yet turned to scars. He drug that leg a bit as he walked.

There was a long moment of silence before she shattered it.

“All along I thought you a spirit.” She charged. “I thought you could only come out at night which was why we couldn’t sit on a sun warmed bench in the garden to have our talks!”

Talks I didn’t ask for.

Is there no peace with her around? He groaned. Not bothering to hide it this time.

“Why did you lie to me!” She demanded upon hearing his disgruntled sounds.

“I did not.”

Except for when necessary.

His gaze fell to his bow gripped in his fist. “I’m here now.”

Stop shouting. They’ll all hear you.

“As you were earlier?” Her tone eeked venom.

Yes. He cringed.

She grew more challenging. “Why did you take off?”

He cleared his throat, struggling for words. Her face vivid in his mind’s eye. “Some ideas aren’t as pretty as the reality. Reality is bloody and ugly.”

“I saw nothing so awful. I saw you clear. You’re wounded…Human.” Her voice turned bitter. “Why have you kept so many secrets from me?”

“I told you I was very good at keeping secrets.”

She shifted. Finding his voice moving around the other side of the fence and the dragging of his hurt foot disconcerting. Unsure where his words would rise from next.

He felt albeit guilty. Afraid to peer through a crack in the wood and see the dark accusation on her face.

After a bit of silence, she aggressively changed the subject. “I’m staying at Meredith House.”

“Why in Ardae! ’Tis a horrible choice!”

“Mags and Aggie. Their conviction, their beliefs…I want to be like that.”

Locked away in Dread Hideout with only your vows and ideals to comfort you?

“Are you certain you understand their objective?”


No, you most certainly do not! He was sure. They protect me while I protect the artifacts.

“Imagine all the opportunities you’ll miss if you do.” He cautioned.

Not how you want to spend the rest of your life.

“Don’t you wish to wed one day, have a family, children of your own, a proper lover?” He tried to reason with her.

“A man?”

“I’d assume.” Setting his bow aside, he paused to inspect his leg. Touching the divots gingerly and finding they still seeped.

“I thought you my friend. But you’ve chosen to be a ghost in the mist.”

Back to the damn fog again.

“I was asking about your possibilities, I’m not sure how the conversation veered back to me?”

“You asked if I’ve thought about getting married someday.”

Yes…He shook his head, befuddled. What’s that to do with anything?

“Why do you hide your face from me?” She persisted.

He didn’t answer. Uncertain what he could say.

“I cherish our conversations.” She said. “Don’t you?”


This is a trap. I’ve no idea how to dodge it.

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