FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter ACHARIUS - Enough Snooping For the Day

Dread Hideout (Free from Udora for four years)


She’s returning late tonight. Acharius watched Chastain on the trail. He hunkered in the tree above her.

She’s spent almost all day roaming the Merwood trying to find where I meet with Mags and Agatha. He’d picked up her trail earlier in the evening. Eventually stationing high in one of the dense trees. Biting into an apple, he’d collected from the garden this morning, as he watched. I could delve into her mind…But he hadn’t since she was a child. And he decided against it.

He watched the splash of her red hair, fascinated. Savoring the colors of the leaves surrounding him. The yellow trim on her dress shined when the cloak moved.

She stepped in a puddle and her shoulders slumped.

He stifled his chuckle at her dismay.

She collected herself. Lifted her foot and shook it. Not noticing the small coiling vine rising from the water to just brush the sole of her foot before she raised it in a step. The vine collapsed along the ground but continued to pursue her for several moments before her magic was out of range and it stopped growing.

She passed beneath the tree he sat in. Not noticing the lower branches reaching, extending several inches to touch her as she walked by. Bursting with new leaves as it made contact with her.

Once she was further down the trail, he hopped from the tree.

He’d begun to walk back toward his caves in the opposite direction of her, not even looking back because he was so confidant in his quiet step. But in his delight in savoring the colors of the Merwood and the apple in his hand, he cracked a twig. The loudest twig in creation.

The small sound seeming to echo endlessly in the evening silence.

Gasping she spun to look behind her.

He barely had time to duck behind the tree. Tossing a hand, made her cloak wrap her face. Buying him time to guarantee he was concealed.

Slapping the cloak from her head she huffed. Alert green eyes scanning the trees. He felt her stare permeating the tree, he hid against.

A toss of his hand sent a spiral of ruby light which hardened into the form of a crimson bird exploding in feathers as it emerged from behind the tree.

She clicked her tongue in her cheek before resuming her search. Peering behind clumps of trees and determinedly stirring underbrush. Wandering perilously close to his caves. But a well-aimed rock detoured her to some bushes.

Slight annoyance flared in him. Curiosity could prove dangerous for her out here.

“I wondered if you’d be here tonight.” Her voice was bland.

He jerked. He’d only just entered the gate to await Agatha and the goods. I was exceptionally quiet. His shoulders drooped. The mist.

“What were you doing in the woods today?”

“How’d you know?” Her head protruding from between the shutters.

You leave flowers everywhere you go. A blind man can see where you’ve been.

“I was looking for something.” She said hesitantly.

Yes, I know.

My hideout. Me.

“I want to know what they’re hiding.” She explained at his prolonged silence. “Why they’ve been lying to me about sneaking out at night…Perhaps you dally with them?”

For Heaven’s sake! They’re sweet old women not harlots!

“Does that seem like them?” His brows nearly leaped off his forehead at the ridiculous idea.

“No. But neither did lying.” She paused. “Where have you been?”

They lie to protect me.

“Busy.” He adjusted the hood of his cloak to shadow his features. “Have a care with Karina. I question her friendship to you.”

More than question. Oppose.

“Karina is my friend!” She exclaimed. Objecting at this brutal change of subject.

The absolute opposite, actually. He struggled to find a gentle way to tell her.

“Sometimes people closest to us are the ones who most want to cause us harm.”

“She’d never hurt me!” Chastain grew angry. “Where is this coming from? Why would you say such things of her! You don’t even know her.”

I wish I didn’t…

“Just. Be. Careful.” He whispered. Letting the subject, obviously tender, drop.

Thankfully, so did she. “Did it rain tonight?”


“It did.” He stared at the vibrant flowers surrounding his boots. Their surfaces glistening from dampness.

I wonder if they’re from her path around the house, where she stepped?

“It smells like.” She affirmed.

The courtyard was dark blue traced with silver light. Tree roots protruded from the dense orchard grass. The thick branches were still heavy with fruit. Even this late in the season. Purple and pink flowers littered the garden and edged the wooden fence. It’s breathtaking.

From where he stood against the fence, he heard Agatha humming near the window in the front room, facing the front of the House.

Preparing to keep lookout.

An owl hooted.

“Go to sleep, Chastain.”

“I can’t.” She grumbled.

“I could help?”


He blew across his palm and sent red flakes wafting into her chamber on the breeze.

“What are those?” She murmured blearily. “Pretty…”

My magic. In moments he heard a soft snore. Chuckling he pushed off the fence and wound around the house to the side door to meet Agatha for a chat.

Enough snooping for today, Girl.

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