FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter A Wolf Threatens Radix's Nightway Queen

That night found him strategically in the inner bailey when the gate lowered.

Waiting. Patiently. Despite every fiber of his being screaming.

He’d listened from the bailey. Hearing Riaura’s pained wails as the maid washed the cuts and bandaged them. Making her whimper time and again. Each sound making his muscles clench. His fingers had bitten into the wood pillar next to him. Leaving imprints for each of them.

She’s going to pay. She’s gone far enough.

Once certain everyone in the castle was asleep, he moved through the creaking doors to carefully pad his way up the stairs on massive paws. Saliva lingered in strands from his jowls and yellow eyes glinted in torchlight. Silver and black fur became so dark in shadow, he was nearly indiscernible. Head lowered with purpose as he sniffed. Catching the scent of a woman who clearly bathed in roses. Wickedly self-indulgent.

Chasing that scent, he found her chamber, and leaned up on his back haunches to bite at the latch until it creaked open. Creeping in soundlessly, he moved along the wall.

Once assured no one else was present in the room. He gave a low growl.

Marod sat bolt upright in her bed.

And Alazar saw the hateful woman for the first time. Filthy whore. Catching the stink of Cimmerii tainting her.

Through eyes that saw only what was presented, she was a pretty enough. Flowing black hair surrounding a face albeit too thin and dark eyes were thickly lashed as she blinked blearily into darkness. Her nose slightly beaked.

She may’ve been pretty once, but evil has turned her into something more akin to a vulture.

The thought of tearing out that pale throat was nearly too tempting to resist, but he remembered the words of his brother and groaned inwardly. Can I jeopardize the other knights for the child? Put my brothers in danger? No.

But I can do this.

Her eyes landed on the yellow glinting from the corner furthest from her and she opened her mouth to scream but he leapt smoothly onto the foot of her bed. Strolling in a way that made his fur ripple.

Gasping, she drew knees to her chest and thrust herself back against the backboard.

“Please.” She outstretched a hand.

Please? How many times had Riaura begged her, ‘please’?

He growled deep in his throat. Making air vibrate. He strode deliberately up the coverlet until nose-to-nose with the beak-faced wraith.

She slid down as he approached until she lay flat amongst the linens. Trying to draw away as he hovered over her.

He stared into her face.

Leave the girl alone!’ He shouted it in her mind making her jump and squawk.

Then he reached down and bit on her cheeks. His mouth covering the bottom half of her face. Sharp teeth sunk into sensitive flesh. He applied just enough pressure she pushed at him. Writhing amongst the coverlet as she tried to peel him off. Sinking teeth to the bone. Pinning her as he savored the sounds of her fighting for air.

Hearing footfalls on the lower level, he released her.

Touch her again and I’ll end you. Giving another meaningful snarl before vanishing through the crack in the door. Dipping into a deep corner of the hall where he straightened, bones changing smoothly. Armor wrapping his body as he formed into a shape that fit it.

When the guards from the lower level arrived, he slipped from the corner and strode the corridor. Taking the stairs two at a time until emerging back in the bailey.

Even from out there, he heard her frantic voice and hysterical screeching.

From that day forward, Marod was fearful of putting her hands on Riaura.

“Why do you spare the girl?” Radix demanded a fortnight later. Pacing her chamber.

“I swear, My Lord, whenever I consider it, I hear that wolf…” She shuddered. “I feel his yellow eyes. Then there’s thunder above the castle and I know it watches me.”

Radix harrumphed. “You sound a coward. I bid you crush her spirit, why is it taking so long? You know what she is.”

“It can be done with kindness.” Marod said confidently. “She goes where I want her to. She wishes to please me. And she’ll break her own back trying.” She looked nervously around even as she spouted the confident words. Cold as they were.

“It need be done soon. She’s not untouchable. If I must take action myself, it will be you, inconvenienced.” His black eyes turned scathing. “Your friends in the realm think you’re weak. They say you’ve gone mad.”

“I’m not mad!” She launched to her feet. “It would’ve killed me!”

Radix eyed her. “I can make you wish he had, if you fail me.”

“I’m afraid of it.” She confessed. Eyes dark in terror.

Radix gave her a long look that told her she was running out of time. Reminding her of what his words did not.

She had worse things to fear…

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