FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter A Protector for Meralee

Sebastian arrived today with the same speed and intent as the day he’d trod a rainy meadow a couple years ago. When he came to WaterRose to tell me of her.

In the hours just after dark, Deragan sensed the coming of the panther before seeing it. Standing on the stoop of his rental, he waited. Silver frost spiked the grass and the wisping branches of the trees dotting lawns down the road. Deragan caught the black silhouette loping the hilltop and weaving around houses down the block. The heavy mist surrounded him. Coating black fur as he loped through trees. So fast he appeared surreal. A blur of black fur and feral gold eyes.

Bast heedlessly tore a path, weaving through thick trunks. Dirt clods spraying around him as large claws ripped the ground.

Deragan rose and retreated a couple steps into the dark beyond his broad doorway.

He didn’t slow. Knowing Deragan would be there, door open, as Bast reached it. The feline pounced inside, tipping forward onto front paws to slow his slide on the hardwood. Forcing his body around to face Deragan as he panted heavily from the exertion, heavy head lowered to eye the Captain.

A sight which could’ve been intimidating to anyone who doesn’t know this animal.

Deragan smiled. “Good to see you, Bast. Do me a kindness and tell Lucien I’ve a detail for him.”

The animal turned its head, intrigued.

“I want him to come to Meadowbrook for Miss Meralee Carter. A dear friend to my…To the Fallen. He needs to take her to the Isle. I’ve a game in mind.”

The panther straightened padding back toward the door but Deragan’s warning stopped him.

“Rest and prepare yourself for the trip. Then go.”

The panther rumbled an assent.

“Ah, and Bast,” He added. “tell him it’s unlikely the lady will receive him kindly. But either way, she goes.” Deragan sighed. “I’ll use the pendant. When the rest arrive, tell them they’ve a gauntlet for the maiden’s hand. A fine woman for any of them.”

The panther grunted and shook its head, as though kicked in the snout.

“Lucien is to free her on the island.” Deragan continued, “Whichever Knight wishes to take on the gauntlet and reach her, keeps her at the Lion’s Head Tavern long enough I can verify his claim, wins the prize.”

Meralee Carter.

As always, Deragan’s orders were clear and direct.

Only her true mate will pursue the viper doggedly enough to tame her. Deragan was sure. Suspecting he knew who that’d be.

The two exchanged a long look, indicating Bast’s confusion. But he turned obediently. Wasting no further time, he lunged out the door as quick as he’d come.

Leaving his dark rental, Deragan moved far enough down the road to glimpse the Bishop’s rental. Turning his head slightly he caught the faint sounds of Nora’s slumber. Verifying she was well he wandered the streets, making sure nothing lurked out here.

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