FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter A Battling Black Rose for Ebony

Rhyers climbed the stairs to Ebony’s room on leaden feet. Not particularly interested in seeing hate or hurt in her pretty brown eyes. I’m afraid of a girl?

Fool. He knocked on her door and persuaded her to come into the hall.

“Yes, Bodin?” She blinked up at him.

He knelt to be face level. “I wanted to talk to you. I know you’ve been mad at me.”

“It’s because Rebecca is prettier than me, isn’t it?”

That’s ridiculous.

“You’re both only girls!” He shook his head, brow furrowed. “Pretty is nothing to do with anything.”

Where does her logic come from? He still held the black rose loosely between his fingertips.

She glanced at it a few times, but he’d nearly forgotten it was there.

“It’s just not a good idea for you to be seen with me.” He tried.

Many things would want to hurt you.

“Why not?” Her lip stuck out.

“Because you could get hurt.”

“I don’t understand!” Her eyes welled with tears.

What’s she crying for? Wincing he eased backward from her. I’ve said nothing cruel!

“Why are you being mean?”


“I’m not being mean. Stop all this foolishness! No reason for your tears!” He realized his tone was a bit sharp for his confusion. He tried to soften it. “It’s just not a good idea for us to be friends.”

It can put you in danger.

“I’m not foolish!” She wailed.

I didn’t say you were! He shook his head bemusedly. What’s happening?

“Ebony you’re acting like a child.”

I understand you are, but I need you to hear me. Please understand.

With a whimper she ran back into her room and slammed the door in his face.

I guess not. He sat there a moment before rising. Shaking his head.

He found Samuel downstairs. I don’t want to explain it to him.

I don’t even know what happened. He ducked his head and tried to get across the foyer but Samuel’s voice rising from the parlor stopped him.

“Did you apologize?”

Shoulders slumping, Rhyers turned on his boot heel and entered the parlor. “I think, somehow, I did the opposite of that.”

“How’d you manage that?” Samuel frowned. Brow knitting. As he turned from the window. Nursing a large glass of water.

No drink tonight. He’s working on something. He wants to be alert.

“Here.” Rhyers held out the black rose.

You give it to her.

Or throw it away. I don’t care. Sighing. He poured himself a glass of water from the same wooden pitcher Sam served from and joined his friend.

“For her?”


“Black?” He looked appalled. “A bit morbid, don’t you think?”

“No. It’s the same color as her hair.”

“Oh…” Samuel looked at it differently. Understanding dawning.

“It’s different.” Rhyers explained. “You know how she doesn’t like anything like other girls like.”

“Where’d you find it?”


“Oof. It’s a Battling Black Rose?” Samuel cringed. Holding it more reverently for knowing how rare they were. “Probably the only one she’ll ever get.”

Rhyers waved and headed for the front door.

“We’ll talk more on this Brotus.” Samuel assured. “I have to check on Ebony.”

“I dearly hope so.” Rhyers muttered. “War is far simpler.”

Samuel found his sister in tears. “Ebony?”

She picked her face up from the pillow to peer a watery brown eye at him.

“This is for you. From Battling Country.” He handed her the rose. “It’s a Battling Black Rose.”

“It’s beautiful.” She breathed. “From Bodin?”

“Yes. Do you know the stories of these black roses?”

“Yes.” She beamed. Sitting up to take it carefully from him. “Knights all over the country used to go deep into Battling, risking the dogs of Battling Country, to prove they were fleet of foot enough to escape the Dreads, thorns and alleged demons of the country to get one of the rare roses and take to the queen or princess hoping to be named Commanders of her militia.”

“Very good.” Samuel grinned proudly. “But ultimately the rose was the supreme symbol of the knight’s undying fealty to the princess whom he gave it to.”

She turned it, staring into the layers of curling petals. “Why didn’t he give it to me? Why doesn’t he like me?”

“Ebony, you are his friend. He-”

“He said I’m not!” She wailed. Eyes teary and bottom lip quivering.

“He did?” Samuel’s eyes narrowed on her forlorn face.

“Yes. And I love him! And he broke my heart.”

“He did?”

“Yes.” She nodded solemnly.

He sat on the edge of the bed and tucked her under his arm. “Well, Ebony some men are different than others.”

“There’s something wrong with Bodin?” She peered up at him through worried brown eyes.

“Well, these men don’t like girls because they only like other men.”

“He’s a boy-lover?” She understood what Sam said as meaning Rhyers was attracted to other men.

Samuel looked at her thoughtfully. The corner of his mouth twitching. “Why, yes he is. So, you see, you shouldn’t be affronted he’s not attentive to you.”

“So, I shouldn’t be sad he broke my heart?”

“No, Ebony. It’s his loss.”

“It’s his loss.” She nodded slowly. “Boy-Lover.” She grumbled. Wrinkling her nose. “Icky.”

“Yes…” Samuel fought down a chuckle. “Icky.”

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