FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter Unattainable Vengeance

She gave a long sigh. “He has great power pulsing through him. The taste of it…Mmm” She purred.

“Come, Okine.” Radix barked, making the other man scuttle behind him. “Deiti. Take care of my slave. Give him a taste of something so fine he’ll want nothing more than another meal of it. A meal only you can provide…” Radix’s voice faded as he walked deeper into the caves, his hands brushing the backs of the Targue that moved in step with him.

Once they'd left the Temptress wasted little time.

Deiti launched atop the cot, astride Chavias. Leisurely beginning to unlace her bodice to expose the ample mounds beneath. Glistening a light brown from her tanned skin. The crests a dusky darker shade. Though her stomach was far from flat it held the deep curve at the sides that only emphasized the shape of her breasts and widespread hips.

She's a body designed to seduce.

She was built full and ripe. She wiggled from her garments. Casting him long looks under dark curling lashes.

Ohh. He groaned at the beautiful sight. Knowing what was happening to him would have grave consequences. But too weak and exhausted to care.

Screw it. His eyes feasted on her beauty as she shoved her piled dress to the bottom of his cot, between his heels.

She's a pretty escape from the torment.

She greedily unstitched his breeches. Scratching his stomach in her rush. Which she compensated by rubbing her ample bosom against his midsection. Soft lips trailing the waist of his pants. Eventually she delved a tongue under the waistline to taste the curving lines of muscle trailing over his hip.

He made a guttural sound in response to a woman's mouth being so close to where he desired it.

Already he was ready, his length jutting as she revealed it.

Giggling she scooted her knees outside his thighs and positioned herself atop his staff. Before slowly easing herself down. Her soft flesh parting to allow him entrance. Soon he was deeply embedded in her heat. Feeling silken walls wrapping him, he moaned.

She positioned herself and began to slide back and forth expertly. Riding his thighs.

His shackles clanged as he instinctively tried to touch her. Growling in frustration.

She fingered his wide chest. "My, my...You are a powerful one aren't you."

She panted as she rode him. "Near to breaking those chains with wanting to touch me."

She arced her back, thrusting her breasts forward and allowing him to see where her belly moved every time he entered her. Rubbing along the inner lining.

She's probably lucky I can't. I'd likely do alot more than touch her. He was growling in his throat. Making primal sounds in response to what she was doing.

In moments he felt the rise of pleasure as her body brought him to the peak of satiation. A moan escaped him.

The first not filled with pain in much time.

"What do you want?" She leaned down to whisper near his ear. Still working her hips down onto him. But doing so faster before hovering along the tip and smoothing a circle around the head of his jutting member.

"Harder." He growled.

She complied. Slamming down and riding him more ferociously. Pounding her smooth thighs alongside his hips as she worked him toward his end.

He was so mesmerized by the sensation of pleasure which he hadn't experienced in a long while that he no longer noticed the streamers of smoky white light abandoning his chest and abdomen to surround her hands and arms as she absorbed his power.

His neck strained and he shouted in pleasure, feeling his body go rigid.

She cooed in triumph before sliding off him and curling against his side. Pressing her softness to his lean, muscled body. Her breath along his neck as she rested. Soft hair caressing his shoulder.

The feel of a woman. Something Chavias barely remembered.

A touch that wasn't altogether cruel...

But looking at her sleepy features he was sickened by how strangely comfortable in the dank prison she was.

A cimmerii. A creature of Radix's.

Something more for him to torture me with. And Chavias knew that she'd only bring more pain.

His own breathing eased, and he felt himself relax.

Why is Radix Malorum letting me sleep? It made no sense that the creature behind endless hours of torture now gave him moments of bliss.

Radix felt her dark hunger even before he heard her footstep. He waited near the entrance of the cave.

“It’s done.” She put her hand to his shoulder.

He turned and swept it away. “Do not try your tricks on me.” He said acidly.

“One can try.” She gave a half smile.

“If one wishes to be slave to my commander.”

“Okine?” She shuddered. “Hideous creature.”

“You were not always so lovely.” He reminded her.

She smiled. “You always saw beauty in me.”

“I do not see ugliness or beauty.” He grunted. “I see potential. Power. You had that.”

“Well,” Her voice grew haughty. “I have more of it now.”

“Thanks to me.” He bit out.

She lowered her head in reverence.

“Did you get it from him?”

“The power of his beasts?”

He nodded.

“Of course. He was so eager to give them up.”

“To you.” Radix corrected. “He’d have fought me. He fights me in all things.”

“He pumps warrior’s blood.” She acknowledged. “Handsome. Virile. Filled with fury and vengeance.”

“Of which, he’ll never get.” Radix said absentmindedly.

Chavias understood the gravity of what she’d done to him when he woke a couple days later. The hunger coursing through him in vicious pangs.

He was alone in the dark again. The woman, Deiti, only a pleasurable memory. He instantly craved her again. That touch that could soothe the raging energy within him. And the soft body that could appease the nearly constant pain.

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