FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter To Acharius

“Where are we?” Meralee asked fearfully. Her sleeping plait already coming undone on both sides of her youthful face.

They stood rooted so long a woman shot Chastain a dark look, but her face softened upon taking in the scruffy look of the two children. “Are you two Dears alright?”

“I think so.” Chastain looked around in confusion as the woman walked away. “Who-who’s meeting us?”

“Two boys. Brothers.”

“Boys?” Chastain squawked.

On cue, two muddied children plowed through the crowd. “It’s her!”

Chastain spun and faced them. They were a little younger than her.

“We been dreaming about today all sennight.”

“I didn’t know ’twas a girl! I was hoping for a little brother.” The smaller one scowled.

“We were supposed to be here earlier.” The bigger one said as he hit the other. “But this one ’ere is always late.”

He shrugged. “Tis true. I’ll be late for me own funeral. I thought I’d have a little brother.”

“Does it matter? Ye know she needs our help.” The older one glowered.

“No. But can I raise her like a boy?”

“She’s not a pet.” The older one whacked him again. Nearly knocking him of his feet this time.

“You want to go home with us? He what told us bout ye said you ain’t got no home.”

Chavias grimaced and Chastain shot him a dark look. Well, she doesn’t now.

Meralee looked at the boys then up at Chastain.

“Trust.” Chavias’ drawn-out breath ran through Chastain’s mind as she clung to the frightened little girl.

Lucien and Deragan both favor Grier. Deragan’s manor is in Meadowbrook.

“They’re just boys.”

“They’ll look after her.” The voice promised. “And I’ve brothers nearby.”

Trembling, Chastain handed Meralee’s tiny hand into the dirty outstretched one of the bigger boys.

“You’ll like home. Our ma and da give us whatever we wants.”

“We’re spoiled rotten.” The older assured.

“But ma always says she wanted a girl and got stuck wit’ us.” He grinned. Indicating it was a familiar jest.

“Always wanted a ma.” Meralee blurted. Blinking huge brown eyes at them as they walked off together.

Chastain shivered. “Please. Please look after them.”

“They will…” The voice whispered.

Chastain had the nearly overwhelming urge to grab Meralee and take her back. Terrified this was the wrong path for the littlest of them.

Tears streamed Chastain’s cheeks.

“We have to go.” Chavias said. “You’re time is running out and we have to take you back through to get you to Merwood.

To Acharius Sevence.

Chastain followed the hazy glow of light, back.

They were greeted by the horribly distorted face of the woman that’d raised her, dared call herself mother.

Udora stalked toward Chastain. Fur cloak making her terrifying snake eyes luminesce.

She’s pure evil.

“Where are they?” The bearded man next to her demanded. Dark little eyes glinting.

Radix. Chavias shifted nervously but knew only Chastain could see him right now.

“Go, Chastain. Now!”

Chastain glanced over her shoulder at the light behind her. A mere step away.

“Don’t!” Radix Malorum outstretched a hand.

“I’ll help kill you both one day!” Chastain shouted as she took a long step backward to the doorway. “You’ll suffer for what you did to us!”

As Chastain backed up, Radix waved a hand and stopped time. Making it impossible for Chastain to move any further.

Oh, no! Chavias could see it happening but couldn’t help. Frozen where he was because time couldn’t currently pass.

Radix approached her. Face twisted with rage.

Just as he’d have reached her, icy hands and pale arms erupted from the light behind her, tightening around her chest and jerking her back. A chilly grip moving so fast Chastain nearly passed out.

Radix lunged with a shrill roar.

But Chastain moved through bending time and foreign lands to a place of safety.

Her last few blinks were a memory of bright reflections and a single floating white feather trailing past her as though everything wasn’t moving at the speed of light.

Chavias’ voice rose in the confusion of light and movement. “Calisto! Thank you...”

Dizzying reality was cold and wet as Chastain stumbled a dark path toward a fragment of light. A glance behind her revealed a black burn mark on gray stone. She vaguely recalled the name Chavias had called.

Once she stepped into the last rays of morning, she fell to her knees. Nauseated from grief and the extreme travel, she wretched in the dirt. Hands muddied by damp earth and a morning dew. Back on her feet, she steadied herself on shaking limbs.

A tall wooden fence loomed before her. Appearing to extend forever. Rising she willed exhausted feet to move. Fumbling along the fence until finding the wooden gate. A hearty shove opened into a lovely garden. The last of her energy was used to stumble a few rushed steps onto the open path.

Two women turned from where they stood near the gate plucking fruit from a nearby tree. Now they stared, jaw agape, at the sopping wet urchin.

One rose, her plain brown garb twining around her.

“Where am I?” Chastain mumbled.

“Meredith House in the Merwood. In the Dread Hideout, My Dear. Bordering the Netherlands.”

The women will keep her safe.

And he will. Chavias told himself. Glancing over his shoulder in the direction of the cave deep in the woods beyond the gates. He’d spotted Acharius going in and out during his excursions Spirit-Running.

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