FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter The Stink of Basil Oil

She pushed open the hefty gates of the Meredith House gardens.

He slipped in behind her, nearly tangling in her cloak. Furred tail almost catching as she turned and closed the gates quietly. He edged along the border of the gardens to stay from her view. Watching as she headed into Meredith House. The trim of her gray cloak disappeared indoors.

Where did she come from? He decided to insist Mags and Agatha tell him when next they spoke.

His shape changed, as he reduced. Body contorting as he stepped. Furred paw turning to man’s sinewed foot. Skin smoothing and bones jerking as joints realigned.

He jumped to catch a low hanging branch. Swinging up into the apple tree’s dark depths. Heading up into the denser parts, he perched on a thick limb, squatting on his haunches. Despite his grace, the branch creaked under his massive weight. He worried about being seen, aware his blue eyes glowed in the brilliance of the day.

Revealing my beast. Glancing back toward the gates he verified no one was watching. But I feel like I am.

The sense had driven him from the solace of his caves this morning and hung in the air still. But even through the eyes of his beast, he discerned nothing. Nothing has better instincts then our kind.

Nothing is moving in these woods without me knowing it. But he wasn’t comforted.

The girl emerged again.

He winced, freezing as she took the stone bench directly below. Admiring flowers blooming around her feet. At length she rose, and stepped. A root reached out to be near her. Impervious to it, she lifted her foot and caught on it.

Squealing as she lost her footing.

However, when she should’ve toppled, her body slowed. Fall suspended, nearly horizontal. Slowly levitating until she was righted. Feet firmly planted on the ground.

Acharius slowly lowered the hand he’d used to project magic to catch her. Releasing her weight back to her legs.

Shock had her eyeing her hands. Front and back as she wandered back inside the house.

She thinks she did it. He grunted in amusement.

Leaping from the tree behind where she’d been, he landed easily on his feet and was out the gate without a sound.

An indrawn breath from the trees behind him, had him spinning into a crouch. Who’s here?

Scanning the foliage, he visually picked apart the underbrush. Listening carefully, he heard nothing more. But he caught the scent of basil oil, making his eyes narrow perceptively. Karina?

Down the trail, a dark-haired girl hid behind a tree. A hand over her mouth. Eyes flashing orange in her excitement.

Acharius aimed for his caves, shaking his head. Only one girl slathers on that oil.

Damn her for spying on me. That’s what I’ve felt all morning.

Along the way to the cave, he heard whistling and spun his back to a tree. Peering around it, he glimpsed Karina emerging from the borders of Meredith House.

Thinking she’s sneaky.

She was an attractive blue-eyed brunette…But the smell…

Basil oil. She’s covered in it this morning. He groaned. Moving around the tree to stay from her view as she approached.

He’d been right earlier. Did she see me jump from the tree?

Why is she following me?

Just watching him leap from the height was not proof he was inhuman.

But it’d be unusual for a mortal to jump that distance. He admitted reluctantly.

Yet not impossible.

Karina lived in the forest and Acharius used to help care for her but eventually put her in touch with Margaret and Agatha.

Because she became unbearable to tolerate.

Now she often went to Meredith House to pick fruits from the garden and partake of goods from the village.

Goods I purchase for all of them.

Mags, Aggie, this new girl and Karina. Soon I’ll be feeding the village. His jaw jerked in irritation.

Trying to extract from Karina’s cloying grip had been more complicated then expected. She often sought him out.

Did she see me change from the wolf? Now that, could certainly prove dangerous.

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